Jordan Imagine: Going To His Concert

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*First Person P.O.V*

Tonight is the night that Jordan is having his concert and I couldn't be more excited. He mentioned that he wrote a few songs for tonight and he said that he wanted to surprise me with them. He knows that I'm not keen on surprises, but I'm trying to let it slide this time. Because it's a concert, I decided to get to the venue early and I just conversed with Jordan's bandmates until he was finished talking with the manager of the venue. Knowing Jordan, it was probably business talk about the venue and the ticket sales. After a few minutes, Jordan came over and put his arm around my shoulder and kissed me. I'm pretty sure Jordan's bandmates walked away to give us privacy, but honestly, PDA can sometimes say a lot about how much someone likes you. We stayed like that for a few minutes until we heard someone clear their throat and it happened to be Ben.

"I know how much you love Y/N, but must you do this everywhere we go?" Ben chuckled and Jordan looked down at his shoes, trying to hide his blushing. I wish he didn't look away from me when he blushed because it's so adorable when he does. Instead, I looked at Ben with furious eyes trying to intimidate him, but it wasn't working. Ben was trying so hard not to bust out laughing, so instead, he started messing with Jordan. He was attempting to make Jordan look up at me, but his actions made Jordan and him start fighting each other.

"When aren't you guys beating each other up?" I asked between laughs and Jordan looked back up at me and holding Ben in a headlock. 

"It's quite hard to tell, but it's all done with kindness." Jordan smiled and I shook my head in disappointment. 

"Oh yeah, slapping him is definitely an act of kindness," I said with sarcasm. Jordan let Ben go from the headlock and the two situated themselves back to how they looked before turning back to me. 

"I'm going to head out to the crowd. Jordan, you're gonna do awesome as always," I complimented and kissed him on the cheek before heading out to the impending crowd. His fanbase is amazing and meeting all the fans has always been incredible. Despite that, people weren't happy when I pushed through the crowd to get to the front, but I ignored all rude comments and kept trying to get to the front. Once I got to the front, the lights went down and Jordan and his bandmates came out on stage. The crowd went insane and Jordan opened the show with Forever To Me (A/N: The video above) Knowing how loud I can get when singing, I decided to sing along with Jordan so he could hear me and I was successful. Jordan looked down at me while he was performing and smiled at me before looking back out to the crowd. God, and he's all mine? I'm probably the luckiest girl alive now. After Forever To Me, Jordan went into Drown Out and I repeated the process. Most likely, I'm annoying all the people around me, but at this point, I didn't care. After performing all of his songs, he started going into the new songs that he mentioned to me. 

"Before I get into this new song, I just want to say that my girlfriend is in the crowd tonight and she's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me. I love you, A/N. This song is called Away With Me" Jordan announced and at this point, I couldn't help but melt due to his beautiful words. He always showed me that he loved me through his actions and not much through words, so when he spoke of me like this, I couldn't help but get teary-eyed. He started singing and this time, I didn't sing but instead listened to his wonderful words. Hearing his voice was my kryptonite and I could listen to it all the time. People pulled out their phones and lit up the venue with their flashlights, but that didn't bother me. I was too busy listening to Jordan. When the song finished, he went into three other new songs and ended the set. 

"Thank you guys for coming out tonight! You're all amazing!" Jordan thanked and the room erupted with applause from impressed fans. Instead of standing with fans, I ran backstage and jumped into Jordan's arms. 

"Thank you, Jordan. Thank you," I said with tears evident in my voice. He held me while his bandmates went to the green room and left us in our moment. 

"So you loved the song?"

"Yes I did. Thank you so much for the concert, Jordan," I thanked and he kissed me again, but this time, it was full of passion and lust. I am so in love and I never want it to end. 

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