Requested: Ghost Hunters

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A/N: Hey guys! Here's another completed request for the awesome @elizabeth9595 I know I haven't been updating in a while minus the update I did last night. I'm sorry about that, but since the report card just went out and I'm passing everything with an 85 and above, I'm back to business! I took a lot of the inspiration from Boo's Mansion in Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion. Hope you enjoy!

~ First Person Point of View ~

"What's going on My Digital Escape? My name is Jeydon Wale and the theme this week is story time. I think in order to accomplish the story, I'm going to need my beautiful girlfriend Asher Vinscoll!" I sat down next to Jeydon on our shared bed and Jeydon pulled me towards him, so I fell backwards onto the bed as a form of protest.

"Why don't you love me?" Jeydon yelled and I laughed at him being a dork in his Hunter form. I'm dating a dork, but he's my dork. I love him so much and how he always made my day feel better, "Anyway, Asher and I had an insane adventure last week." Jeydon stated and glared at me, wanting to take over the story time.

"Because I love the supernatural and everything about it, Jeydon thought we could go on a ghost tour for a date. I loved the idea, but this guy was scared." I explained before Jeydon chimed in.

"I wasn't scared! My fears are just subjective," Jeydon argued with a chuckle escaping his mouth due to his poor attempt of defending himself. I shook my head in disbelief at Jeydon and continued to explain the story

~ The Story Itself ~

"Jeydon, you sure you want to do this?" I asked him because he was holding my hand tighter than usual. I could tell that there was fear hidden somewhere in his eyes, and this was the only way to comfort him. He's not scared of a lot of things, but ghosts he can be freaked out about.

"Yes," Jeydon answered and we followed the group that was walking like a hoard of sheep. We entered the haunted hotel and I took the time to take in the scenery. The floor had a black and white tiled pattern with scattered glass on top every now and then, the walls were a marble white, but had hints of gray and white to resemble the tears on the walls, a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling in the lobby, some black couches lined up against the walls on the right side of the lobby near the window, the window had dusty royal blue curtains that moved every now and then, a table in between the couches that held a Victorian lamp and a few books, the manager's desk was scooted into the back left corner near the elevator and Jeydon and I stood to observe our surroundings. There were barely any lights on; just the Victorian lamp and the lamp near the manager's desk. Jeydon and I followed the group and listened to the tour guide talk about the history of the hotel. 

"Asher, let's go look around the hotel," Jeydon whispered and started to pull my hand towards the elevator. 

"No. I want to listen to the tour guide," I asserted and pulled myself back towards the crowd. Jeydon sighed and came back with me. Soon, he became restless again. He began whispering in my ear about how much he wanted to see the rest of the hotel desperately. I eventually fell into his little trap and walked away from the tour guide, without them even noticing us. We walked towards the elevator and waited until the group went into another room, then we hit the button for the elevator. The gate to the elevator opened up and we went up to the third floor. Going up to the third floor reminded me of Harry Potter, and how Dumbledore said it was forbidden to the students if they didn't want to a die a painful death. Soon, we got up to the third floor and noticed a beautiful replica of the painting "Starry, Starry Night" by Van Gogh on the wall in front of us. We went down the hall, hand-in-hand and noticed a green light shining above us. The appearance of color in the hotel took us by surprise, but we didn't think much of it. We continued to walk, but I noticed Jeydon was getting nervous by the sweat developing in the palm of his hand.

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