Hair Jordan Request: Recovery

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For Emoprincess6917

Whenever someone is upset, another person will ask them, "Are you alright?" But whenever someone asks that question when they can clearly tell they're not alright, it makes them look oblivious to the people around them. I mean, how dumb can people be? Luckily, I have a few people that are kind enough to help me through the situation rather than asking obvious questions. Chris just so happens to be one of them.

Within the course of two months, so much weight has fallen onto my shoulders that it's dragging me down. From the death of my older sister to being fired from my job, it seems like everything I do and try to maintain always fails. I don't want it to be this way, but it looks like it doesn't matter what I try to do; it just falls away from me. Plus, I'm not exactly the type of person to carry the weight when it gets rough. When it gets rough, I only pull until I know that the effort I'm giving isn't working out. It's a depressing life, isn't it? To make matters worse, I've been having emotional breakdowns at least twice a day and my parents don't even bother to help me out. They believe things will turn around and then I'll be fine, but that's not how it works. It's not like a fairy will come and change everything for me, although I wish it could. But I know someone that could pull my head out from under the water for a while: Chris.

Text Messages Between Maxx & Chris:

Hey, if you're not busy with anything, can you come over? It's urgent. - Maxx

I'll be right over in five- Chris

Waiting for only five minutes is painful especially when your heart is breaking slowly. I've been waiting by the door for him to get here, but now that he's here, we went upstairs to my room. Without dialogue, I went into his arms and he held me tight against his chest. Despite how tight he was holding onto me, I liked the closeness of this. I could hear his heartbeat and it gave me hope. He's been through a hell of a lot for his age and he's made it this far. Maybe I can make it this far - Maybe. Even though I didn't want him to let go, he did for a minute to go into my bathroom to get a small bottle of lotion. I whimpered at the loss of contact, but I know he'll be back. Hearing the rustling of items moving in my bathroom, I laughed when I heard a small crash. Chris came back after a minute and had the lotion in his hand. He sat back down next to me and started rubbing the lotion into my arms in a circular lotion. He kept rubbing up and down my arms and stopped to give me a quick kiss. I don't think it's the lotion that's calming me down. I'm sure it's his presence.

"Now, are you feeling any better since I got here?" Chris asked me, while he was still rubbing circles on my hands.

"I guess so," I responded to him, but I didn't want to look up at him. I don't want him to take a second look at my makeup-smeared face and think I'm not appealing. We sat in silence once more before he pulled me off the bed and into the computer room. He grabbed his video camera from his backpack and put it on the stand and grabbed a plastic bag. What is he planning?

Turning on the camera, he greeted his subscribers, "Hey guys! Today, I'm going to do the Chapstick challenge with my beautiful girlfriend Maxx to cheer her up." I couldn't stop smiling at him and he noticed and placed a kiss on my forehead. I giggled at the contact and he pulled up the plastic bag to show the fans the items. He wrapped the blindfold around my eyes and coated his lips with Chapstick before kissing me for a great thirty seconds.

"You know what it is?" Chris asked. I rubbed my lips together to taste it.

"Is it strawberry?"




"What is it then?" I asked.

"Ring Pop," he answered and grinned at me. He took the blindfold off of me and we kept going at it. After thirty minutes of footage, I began to feel like myself again. Chris has his ways of making others feel better.

A/N: Stay strong and stay beautiful <3

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