Chapter 10

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Unfortunately, the jig was up. There was no use passing it off as simple luck. Sometimes this curse just loved being a nuisance and defied her own demands. Still... This wasn't ideal.

"I'm a hunter," Kahlen said.

Many in the room appeared confused by the statement. Such a term was only used in the human world as those who tracked animals for sport or food. However, the brothers seemed to understand perfectly. If possible, Caius's expression further enraged Aro's eyes going wide in surprise. But the most shocking reaction came from Marcus, whose sole attention was on the human with emotion none witnessed before.

"Is this some kind of joke?" Caius roared. "Have you come here to destroy us?"

The Guard was honestly confused as murmurs filtered through the hall.

"I believe it is judgment you wished to make on this mortal, brother. Well, I have it for you. Guilty! Guilty, for all of your crimes. You will be ripped apart and drained before us, your judge, jury, and executioners!"

No one in the room moved, uncertain of what to do. Yet Demetri found himself clenching and unclenching his hands as if ready to attack. Whom? He remained unsure, but by the way he reacted to the scene unfolding the tracker wished to harm any who approached Kahlen. This odd sense of protection felt most unsettling. He served Aro. Not a human.

"And I will be sure nothing is left of you in this hall so we are not plagued by your vile existence!"

Her eyes began glazing over at the threat, preparing to pounce. And for the first time the vampires dared to think that Caius actually appeared nervous in front of a human.

"Enough!" Marcus's voice boomed.

It startled the Guard as if they were frightened rabbits, skittish from the outburst. None expected it from the eldest as the authority in his voice even made Caius's head bow in submission, a low hiss coming from his lips. Yielding wasn't something he enjoyed.

"You are not to touch the human."

"You're as mad as Aro," the blonde snapped. "You've heard the stories of her kind!"

"But do you see her hunting us now? There have been countless opportunities for us to be eliminated if that's what she was truly here for. Hunters have their own rules. They are not savage beasts like the werewolves killing everything in sight."

"They are still cursed."

"Are we not cursed ourselves?" Aro asked. "Forever to walk this earth with immortality?"

His jaw clenched. Why was he the only one to see sense in this matter? A hunter should be executed on the spot. Not allowed to thrive amongst vampires.

"Have you forgotten what they've done to our own kind since they were created?"

It was very rare to be in the presence of a hunter and even rarer should someone survive once in their company if targeted. That's why they became nothing more than myths, fading into legends as they came and went as ghosts in the shadows.

"Have you forgotten the countless lives you've taken of my kind in this room?" Kahlen dared to speak. "Full blooded humans? I should kill you, but you need to survive as well. Since you're ill-advised of our reason for living, let me enlighten you. We're the ones to clean up your damn messes. Like Austria, for instance. You would've never come to the coven's aid without the proper push and it would have tipped the balance. Or what about the massacres in the streets that are played off as human urges? Hunters keep the defined line in place so no one knows of the supernatural. You're the reason someone like me exists. And believe me, if I could be rid of this curse by wiping out every one of you I'd have gladly begun by now."

Caius growled.

"But someone tried that already. Hunters are born, much like shapeshifters and werewolves. We... activate because there are vampires that threaten those around us. I am not here for any mission. Your dog caught me."

Alec snarled at the insult.

"But believe me, I will make it one if you so much as try to execute me. I was generous when I didn't take Felix's head." Her hand flexed. "Care to try another round?"

The hall went deathly silent. None dared to step forward, still not completely understanding what they just witnessed or what a... 'hunter' was exactly. They weren't supposed to be real to those who'd heard the term before. And even then none were sure they wished to go up against a human who had the guts to threaten the leaders of Volterra and not be punished. The brothers seemed uneasy.

"I believe that will be all for the day," Aro broke the tense atmosphere. "Demetri, if you would kindly escort Kahlen back to her room." Though it did not appear that the human willingly wished to leave with the tracker. "Do not worry, my dear, we have no intention of killing you."

"If you're trying to comfort me on my situation, it's not working," she said.

He nodded. "I wish to have a word with you in the morning."

It was only when in the 'safety' of her own room did the exhaustion settle in. Their walk went by rather quietly. Kahlen wondered if the vampire was still in shock. She didn't blame him.

Changing in the large closet the young woman's movements were sluggish, pulling on loose clothing to wear to bed. Even if it was nearly dinner, all she wanted to do was sleep. From his position on the couch by the fireplace Demetri watched as his presence went completely ignored. As if Kahlen forgot he was even there. Her eyes were barely open, arms loosely hanging by the sides. He nearly chuckled at the sight of her flopping on the mattress not bothering to crawl under the covers. It only took moments for her to completely fall asleep.

The tracker came to the edge of the bed observing her carefully. Shifting Kahlen's form, the vampire helped her slip under the covers watching as both arms circled the pillow under the head. The young woman barely resembled the predator in the throne room moments ago. Sighing, Demetri exited the room to perform his duties.

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