Chapter 45

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"It's honestly as if she was never sick in the first place," Felix smirked.

The brute and tracker watched the hunter train, but they also observed her in the field too under Aro's orders. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary, and to the young woman's annoyance they would leave her out of some confrontations with targets. Force her to wait off to the side until they were finished.

"Why bring me along then if I'm not going to do anything?" she questioned.

"Cheer up, Kahlen," Felix had coaxed. "Your tracking abilities are as valuable as Demetri's. We're only following Carlisle's orders."

"He has a point..." Jane muttered.

"Killjoys," she muttered.

"I guess so," Demetri answered his friend.

But that didn't mean she was near ready to resume her work on a daily basis. While the young woman didn't leave the city as much as she used to, they found the hunter in the training room, or walking around Volterra with Heidi on cloudy days. Even with Marci during her breaks. Even Jane joined the young woman on occasion when not on a mission. Which mildly surprised her brother as he watched from a distance every now and then. Most of the time they wouldn't speak with each other, conversation minimal. Merely moved in one another's company.

"Don't the two of you have anything better to do then stand there?" Kahlen's voice called over to the two vampires. "Or do you enjoy creeping on people?"

Demetri smirked. Though the two of them tucked away in the shadows of the doorway, clearly her senses were back to normal.

"We're actually on our way to see the masters," the tracker stated.

"Taking a detour then?"

Kahlen turned away from the punching bag. Marcus bought it for her after Carlisle left. To use as a way to keep the mortal entertained when no one was around.

"We heard a noise coming from here and were hoping to catch a good fight," Felix said. "That poor bag didn't stand a chance though."

The young woman gave a short laugh, wiping the sweat from her forehead and taking a drink of water. "Don't you have to go? You've been standing there for some time and the brothers don't tolerate lateness."

"Yes, yes, we're leaving," Demetri stated. The two vampires pulled themselves away.

"She's something else," the brute muttered.

Yes, she was.

Taking a shower after the workout, the hunter rolled her shoulders trying to relax the muscles further. Wandering the halls to walk it off, she found herself no longer alone as the blonde twin came up alongside her. The young woman instantly saw she was deep in thought.

"Something on your mind?" Kahlen wondered.

"I've been meaning to ask," Jane finally said. "Other hunters, can they block my gift like you've managed to?"

"Well, technically the only reason that happened was because you used it too much on me and I got used to it," Kahlen answered with a small smirk.

Jane gave her a look. But it wasn't one the mortal had to worry about being threatened. It was more of a 'don't remind me' kind of statement.

"I'm not sure. It's very possible... but the theory has never been tested. Everyone's limits are different when it comes to the strength of your mind."

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