Chapter 20

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They mulled about for a total of fifteen minutes. The entire time neither moved from their position and Kahlen barely dared to breathe. Twice their command came inches from where they were stationed, the young woman catching the toe of his boot once from her position. But never were they in their line of sight.

"Let's get moving."

The three began to gather, checking their gear before leaving.

"How far back do you think the others are?"

"Not far. They may even catch up if you keep slowing us down..." and their conversation drifted away.

Shit, so there was another group out here somewhere. Felix almost sighed in relief, but one look at the young woman at his side told him now was not a time to be relieved. And he couldn't understand why. They managed to not be detected, so why did the mortal still worry? They should be rejoicing.


His voice seemed to snap the hunter out of her thoughts. Moving in the opposite direction of the retreating hunters she appeared to be searching along the riverbank further upstream. It was only when they had come to a section that was covered by the dense treetops did the young woman pause. The area was completely muddy due to rain from previous days, shoes just beginning to skin into the wet ground. Kahlen then kneeled, not caring about ruining her clothing.

"Give me your cloak," she ordered. The brute was hesitant at first. "Now is not the time to ask questions, do as I say." It was handed over, and the vampire watched as Kahlen shoved it into the mud. "The red is too vibrant..." It was beginning to turn brown.

"I'm to wear that?"

"If you want to live, yes." Once good and dirty, the hunter held it out to him. "Rake the mud through your hair too, so the strands don't blow if we catch a breeze. And it wouldn't hurt to smear it on your face with how pale you are... thankfully your eyes aren't as red."

Kahlen didn't look at him, as she appeared to rabble on, fingers tapping against a knee in thought. But something puzzled him.

"Why didn't you approach them?" Felix questioned. "You're hunters. Instead of hiding, why not speak to them to throw them off our trail?"

The young woman fell silent for a moment. "Not all of them are friendly. Especially to someone like me." And taking a large breath she dunked her head into the mud hair first before rubbing her face through it. Pulling away, his nose scrunched up at the sight, her hands coming up to clear away the excess amount, and spread to the areas missed.

"Besides, if they saw me, they would get nosy and probably poke around places they shouldn't. Ask for my mission report, and when not finding one, would ask for my log as to my last whereabouts. Nothing would match up and that would draw unnecessary attention. And I'd rather not have my kind mulling around Volterra."

"Why are we still sneaking around if they have passed?"

"In case you're hearing has gone there's another group of them heading this way. And we're bound to cross paths. I'm not taking any chances. They were too close for my liking."

"I still do not understand why we are doing this. We can easily pass by them at the speed we've been traveling at if you ride on my back."

"Haven't we spared enough in the past for you to know that hunters can pick up on a vampire's movements?" He thought back. "Even if you're quiet they will feel the disturbance in the air and track it down. Spread out. And that gives us less of a window to slip through. No, we'll have to travel on foot."

We Are The Hunted [Demetri Volturi]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora