Chapter 39

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Chapter Song Inspiration: Centuries by Fall Out Boy


It turned cold enough in the mountains that the shifters and Kahlen could see their breath. Tomás and his pack hung back within the forest line to wait for the right moment to launch their surprise attack. The scent of the vampires that gathered to stand with the Volturi would mask them for the time being. The enemy wouldn't foresee their involvement, which they would use to their advantage. The hunter stood towards the front line with the Elite Guard scanning the horizon, arms crossed. No one said a word as the sun continued to rise overhead. Not until they saw the other army approaching. They weren't moving swiftly like anticipated though that didn't mean they weren't ready to lunge given a moment's notice.

"Well, now we know what became of those missing Russian Covens," Demetri muttered.

And their numbers were more than what was initially reported. Even the brothers counted a few that had been missing for some time in recent years. Obviously, Makar kept very busy planning this little coup.

"The Romanians are with them," Jane mused, noticing the familiar vampires.

"That surprises you?" Alec scoffed.

"No, not at all."

Kahlen couldn't say she recognized a single face as the Guard observed their enemies cautiously. She had only one target in mind, and that was Makar, who had yet to reveal himself. But the hunter knew he was there. Could sense it and the hair on her arms stood on end in anticipation. The tracker shifted beside her, watching her every movement out of the corner of his eye.

"Scared?" he questioned.

Kahlen snickered, "You wish, vampire."

The two smirked at one another..

"Volturi!" a voice announced among the crowd. None could pinpoint where it came from, but it made Kahlen's brows narrow.

"Makar," she snarled.

"I'm honored that you have graced me with your presence here, but you were meant to be at home where you belonged."

"Plans changed," Aro stated.

They too began advancing at the same pace.

"How unfortunate. No matter, we'll deal with things now. None of you could keep your nose out of where it didn't belong."

Both sides started at a jog. Kahlen removed one of her weapons, gripping it tightly in hand.

"Ah, I see you've brought something back that belongs to me. I should thank you for saving me the trouble."

Demetri and Felix growled at the young woman's side. With a battle cry the two armies clashed, the hunter ripping through the front line. It sounded like a thunderclap, the noise echoing in the field alongside the noise of crunching flesh from when fists and nails ripped into opponents. Among them the hunter twisted and turned using the sword to sever off limbs and heads. Even cutting off a few at the torso. But these weren't mindless newborns or wanderers. These vampires were swift, and cunning. Kahlen had a few close calls as they lunged over or around attacks. She needed to think one step ahead of them, flipping the weapon in hand and shoving it behind her. The blade penetrated a vampire's chest and up through the neck.

Giving a high whistle upon noticing that both sides were solely focused on the other, snarls ripped through the air. The shifters rushed forward in an attack into the fold. None from Makar's army expected their involvement. Those near the pack were taken off guard and torn apart.

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