Chapter 23

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The familiar sights of Barcelona were a welcome to the hunter, looking out the window of the car that had been instructed to drive them into the heart of the city. Only hours ago she had confirmed a meeting point with one of her contacts. Some of the guards, most noticeably the twins, had been wary and demanded to know whom it was they were exactly meeting. Though Kahlen had reassured them that she would be the only one to converse with them. Jane nearly snapped in annoyance about why this was such a secret when the young woman noticed her expression and finally explained why none of the vampires would be in direct contact with them. But they could stand a good distance away just fine and hear everything they said.

The center was bustling, and luckily it was cloudy out making it easier for them to move about. Another plus was that the guard didn't have to travel and be so obvious they didn't fit in by covering themselves up to the fullest extent. It was almost odd for Kahlen to see them in... mundane clothing. At least her standard attire for wearing all black could remain the same. The weapons were hidden away beneath her jacket within easy access if need be. And there were a few in the bag slung over a shoulder. They waited, somewhat patiently across the street in a main square, where tourists moved about around a fountain in the center and snapped pictures of the surrounding structures. It was growing later into the afternoon as the time of their meeting drew nearer.

"Remind me again why we have to ally ourselves with mutts," Jane spat. "We don't need their help."

Kahlen knew it was only a matter of time until the subject was brought up, stating, "If you don't like it, Jane, then feel free to return to Volterra. You won't see me trying to stop you."

The vampire's glare was nasty, but curbed her tongue. "Friends of yours?" Demetri asked.

The human shrugged. "I see them whenever I'm passing through." Her eyes then landed on a couple, which were searching through the crowd around the fountain's edge. She'd recognize that dark curly hair anywhere.

"They stink," Alec muttered.

"Well so do you," Kahlen said. "Just stay here. We don't need an altercation in the middle of the day in the street. So behave."

Felix chuckled as they watched her leave. "I don't see why you're laughing," Jane growled. "She just treated us like human children. As if she's superior over us."

"Give it a rest, Jane," he sighed. Demetri ignored the twin's silent temper tantrum, being sure to keep his attention solely on the young woman moving farther away.

Weaving through the crowd, Kahlen was sure to not waste any time, coming up alongside the targets in greeting, "You need a haircut."

Their heads turned, wide grins spreading over their lips at the sight of the human. Tomás and Mónica, alphas of the pack residing in this area of Spain. Though they tended to stick closer to the outskirts where the forest was more accessible. They had known each other a long time, however, the two hesitated to move closer when something reached their senses.

The man's nose wrinkled, "You reek."

"Sorry about that," she said.

"What kind of company are you keeping lately?" Mónica questioned. Her eyes flickered over the hunter's shoulder. "I can smell them from here."

"It's not ideal, but has in fact turned out to be beneficial in some ways." They highly doubted that. Still, if Kahlen was here in the presence of vampires this was no informal, friendly meeting. "An old mission has come up from their resources. Been smelling anything out of the normal in the city or heard any rumors."

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