Chapter 37

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It took another two months before they caught wind of Makar once more. And he wasn't allowing the Volturi to come to him. He approached their doorstep with his army. Already causing some destruction and panic in their wake.

"With that number..." Kahlen breathed once hearing Afton's report, "the city won't stand a chance..."

The vampires would be exposed with a massacre like that springing up. And that would bring in the hunters, which would lead to sheer mayhem. Makar had been hiding out in northern Estonia and was on the move.

"Then what do you suggest?" Caius snapped.

"The Tatra Mountains," Demetri said. "It's along the southern border of Poland. We'll meet them halfway so they don't get close to Italy."

"It may work," Marcus mused. "It's open without a soul around. This can all be dealt with... quietly."

Aro hummed in thought.

"If you want to avoid my kind getting involved then this is the best course of action," Kahlen pressed.

The ruler grinned widely. "I believe an arrangement is in order," Aro announced. "Send word to our allies that we will be gathering just below the southern border of Poland. And there is no time to waste. Kahlen is correct. If we wish to not have an altercation with hunters this needs to be sorted before Makar reaches Volterra."

The guards began to disappear from the room to make preparations.

"My dear, I trust you will be contacting your relations in Spain?"

The young woman's brow cocked. "I'm surprised you want their help."

Caius's brows narrowed. Clearly the only one who didn't like this idea of siding with mutts. Yet surprisingly held his tongue.

"We are in debt to them for their assistance in rescuing you. And their alpha, Tomás, is a rather interesting individual. He's been most helpful in our search for the last brother and has offered his service when need be. I would very much like to have him fight alongside us."

"Very well then."

Retreating to her room, Kahlen dialed his number. The shifter answered on the second ring.

"Good news I trust," he stated on the other end.

"Start packing. You are to start heading west for the area just below the southern border of Poland."

That certainly piqued his interest. "Makar is moving."

"Towards Volterra, but we cannot allow this fight to come to us. Not with so many people in the city." He hummed in agreement. "Our final destination to meet them head on will be in the Tatra Mountains."

"And it will end there. Can I expect to see you in the field as well?"

Kahlen gave a short laugh. "If you think I'd allow for such an opportunity where I can personally rip off his head for what he did to me, then you're more ignorant than I thought."

Tomás chuckled. "We will be in touch."

Hanging up the hunter straightened a little more before saying, "Eavesdropping on my calls now, vampire?" Demetri now stood in the guest room watching her carefully. "Shouldn't you be busy making your own phone calls?"

"You cannot honestly be thinking of coming with us," he said.

Kahlen blinked. "If you think I'm going to sit around and twiddle my thumbs waiting for you to return home like princesses in fairy tales, you've got another thing coming."

"You're not healed enough."

Her brows narrowed. "I am completely fine and in working order, or have you gone blind when I spared against Felix days ago."

She clearly beat him when pinning the brute roughly to the ground with no escape. Hell, she even held off a sneak attack from Afton flawlessly. Jane had been pleased, reporting to Aro on her progress.

"We still have yet to test your enhancement."

True, the young woman hadn't slipped into her other phase since the forest. But why waste strength when it wasn't needed.

"I'll be fine. I've accomplished many missions without it."

"And what if you do need it?" he demanded. "Are you willing to chance that?"

Her eyes grew determined to fight him on this. "Of course. Life is all about chance. Every day I take a mission and venture outside these walls, even before we met, it's always a chance to risk yourself out there with the creatures I face. This is nothing new."

"He has an army."

"So did that werewolf pack when we first crossed paths and I never once used my gift to kill them."

True. Demetri would have never expected who she was exactly because the pupils remained normal. She was just a mortal with exceptionally good hunting skills.

"I'd love to see you run this idea by Aro. To have me sit on the sidelines. Besides, who is going to keep the shifters and vampires in check when they meet up? Not all will so easily agree with this alliance and even with you there acting as an ambassador it won't be enough. Not all of Tomás's pack mates trust you."

There was a moment of silence that passed between them and Demetri realized this was an argument he would not win.

"I'm leaving in two hours. To meet up with Tomás in Austria tomorrow." Turning on his heel the vampire went to leave when she added, "And try not to get your head cut off this time."

Once was enough for her to worry about, yet tried to play it off in a joking manner.

He smirked back at her over a shoulder. "I'll try not to make it a habit, but with you watching my back I should be fine."

"I will see you on the battlefield."

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