Chapter 27

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Kahlen never expected it to be easy searching for these vans with the desired shipments. Nor was this going to go unnoticed. The fifteen block radius sat near the local market. The hunter could only hope this encounter wouldn't steer in that direction where hundreds of mortals roamed about. Someone was bound to get hurt.

"No sign of them," Demetri muttered beside her.

Another problem was that the sun made its appearance more often than it had in the last few days. The vampire needed to be completely covered in a light gray button up shirt and black pants. It was hard keeping the face covered. He stuck to the shady side of the streets. They all split into groups, Felix the only one traveling solo. Still, with the beautiful weather, they wouldn't be able to cover much ground with the time frame shrinking.

"We need to split up," Kahlen stated. "And don't give me the excuse that you're my babysitter. You know I'm right."

Unfortunately, Demetri did. "Very well..." But if something went wrong he wouldn't hesitate to react and join up with her again.

The minutes ticked by as the tracker continued on by himself. He began to wonder how much time they had left. Nearly an hour passed since seeing the hunter. The general time of the said departure wasn't clear, with only three hours left to find what they were searching for. Or maybe they'd been in the wrong place and missed the vans. What if the second brother changed his plans with Yakov and the accountant's disappearances? Head shaking, the tracker paused. Worrying about the situation wouldn't help.


Chapter Inspiration: Salt In The Wounds by Pendulum


A noise caught his attention, glancing down the side street he stopped in front of. There were no pedestrians, which was a bit odd. The noise came again and he slowly walked towards it. The path began to open the further he went before coming to a corner. Peeking around it the vampire's eyes landed on a set of steel doors opening and four white vans came barreling out at top speed. The rules about using his quick speed were forgotten, Demetri rushed to the edge of the street watching as they went. The others had to be warned, but if no one followed the last brother would be lost–

The sound of a motorcycle engine came roaring down the street behind him. He watched as a sleek black ride came screeching to a halt beside him. A kawasaki ninja. Afton, a guard member, once spoke of them. Even contemplated purchasing one just for fun. The rider on the motorcycle had a familiar face.

"What are you waiting for?" Kahlen snapped. "Get on!"

Demetri blinked before swinging a leg over the sportsbike without thinking. Before his foot completely left the ground they were tearing off leaving skid marks behind them. The vampire's arms quickly wrapped around her waist and the wind whipped past their faces. His chest was flush against her back feeling his stomach actually lurched at the abrupt movement. A vampire's speed was much faster, yes, but that was in a controlled environment by his own doing.

At first it was difficult to get his bearings before the tracker raised his head to look over the hunter's shoulder. They were gaining on the van at the back of the transport. Which wasn't too difficult at the time due to the vehicles sticking closely to the speed limit. Judging by their direction the vampires were planning to take the back roads. However, that left them little room to move about and effectively eliminate the target.

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