Chapter 18

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When the group returned from the mission early the next afternoon everyone could feel the tension in the throne room between two halves. Those injured had already been taken to the infirmary in order to reattach dismembered limbs and upon noticing the state of those still standing Aro knew something occurred. Yet did not press the matter.

"You are excused," the brother announced. "Except you, Felix. I have a job for you."

Demetri watched the look of annoyance pass over Caius's features at the sight of the human appearing unharmed. There was the scent of blood, yet the ruler didn't know where it came from, since the hand had been shoved into a pocket out of view. He watched until her form disappeared behind the large doors. The tracker had to admit the young woman possessed incredible stamina. Able to stay awake for more than twenty-four hours yet appear as alert as ever. As Demetri wandered the halls he was greeted by Heidi, who informed him of a tour group of humans that would be passing through in the next few days. But the vampire was only partly listening has his mind drifted elsewhere. And clearly the female vampire noticed when the tracker no longer bothered to respond or even attempted to try and pay attention. It made Heidi smirked, having a hunch as to what caught his attention.

"I'll leave you to it then."

His brow cocked, having heard the statement, but when turning on his companion she was already gone. Half confused as to why he was left alone so quickly, Demetri found himself wandering for hours until moving towards the kitchen, finding their human secretary tidying up the counters before leaving for the evening. Of course she was startled by his appearance upon turning, thinking to be alone before greeting,

"Forgive me, Demetri. Was there anything you needed?"

Marci was one of the more intellectual humans they had acquired some years ago while in her twenties, and Aro insisted she stuck around, unlike so many others. Maybe it was because the now woman had adapted to them so quickly and was able to work with them so easily, though she wasn't a vampire herself? Or that the connections she had to the human world were of such value to the Volturi? Either way, Marci was the one human that never annoyed him. She kept to herself and never asked anyone pointless questions. That improved her chances at survival.

The human noticed the tracker's gaze move throughout the room for a moment before speaking up, "If you're looking for the hunter, you just missed her." His eyes snapped to her. "Kahlen is returning to her room."

"I didn't realize the two of you were close enough that she'd tell you such a thing," he stated.

Marci gave a smile. "Well, I was curious as to how she could move as quietly as a vampire, though she isn't one. But Kahlen told me herself. I never asked. Our eating schedules match up most of the time when she's not moving around the castle with Felix and you."

And the receptionist was very observant too.

"Have a good evening," and the woman exited through another door, leaving the tracker alone to back out of the room and move towards the hall occupying the guest chambers.

Meanwhile, Kahlen shoved open the door before closing it with a huff. She had meant to return to her room sooner, but had grown distracted, moving through the castle to avoid the twins. Both were attempting to hunt her down with little success and soon after they gave up the hunter grew hungry and retreated to the kitchen. Marci entered shortly after and the two had a pleasant conversation. Now it was growing late as the sun began setting and the young woman tugged the shirt overhead and threw it over the small couch before the unlit fireplace. A sharp pain ran through the injured bone causing Kahlen to lowly groan. That would take a few days to fully heal. Stretching it out would do some good, and rest, moving around the sore area gingerly when the door was once again opened without warning.

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