Chapter 52

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The day of the mission Kahlen went through her normal routine of washing herself to erase all trace of a scent, pulled back the hair so it wouldn't get into her line of sight, dressed in all black attire, strapped the weapon belt around the hips, hid various weapons throughout her person, tucked away the black book for safekeeping, and tugged on the heavy combat boots. Glancing around the room once done everything seemed to be in order from the bed being made to the books stacked neatly on the shelf. She carried all her essentials for traveling, not needing any of the items that were provided during her stay. Taking anything else would make the others suspicious, and would only get in the way. Approving everything, the young woman made her leave, closing the door quietly behind her.

The others were already in the throne room mulling about and waited for the brothers to enter to provide the last details they needed before heading out. Kahlen moved to stand between Demetri and Felix, who were currently bickering on who won their last sparring session in the training room hours ago. Jane looked bored out of her mind by the whole ordeal, rolled her eyes in response to their childish nature. Kahlen snickered in response.

When the masters entered the Guard fell into line before the dais as their destination was confirmed. Along with the name of their target, their crime, and other important details that may have been useful to the hunt.

"I trust that there will be no complications," Aro concluded. "Dismissed."

Bowing, the group left without a word.

"You seem sullen, brother," Marcus stated. "Is something wrong?"

The vampire sat in thought waiting until the Guard moved out of earshot before saying, "They will be coming back with one less member."

The comment made both of their brows pinch in confusion.

"That will be the last time we see Kahlen for a while. She has been called away by the Council on strict orders and must depart right away after dealing with our nuisance. To be sure they do not look into her endeavors she will have to remove herself from Volterra for some time."

"Why didn't you inform us earlier?" Caius asked.

"It wasn't my place to say. Besides, Demetri is unaware."

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