Chapter 1

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He approaches the garage door and types in the four-digit code. 9055. The door slowly rises.

"I have no idea why she isn't answering her phone. It's only 8:30," Austin says over his shoulder.

"Are you sure she'll be okay with this?" Aaron asks.

"Yeah, I don't know man. She's pretty chill, but this might be going too far," Giancarlo replies.

Austin glances at the parked car in the garage and shrugs his shoulders. (Y/N) is one of the most down to earth people that he knows, but something like this could make the calmest person freak out.

"I don't know what else to do. We drove 45 minutes to come and see her, and now I'm nervous something happened," Austin grimaces.

Aaron looks up at the beautiful house, "I can't believe she lives here alone."

The house is huge. (Y/N) is a very successful editor for one of the most popular magazines in New York. Her personality does not match the lifestyle that she lives, but entertaining is one of her favorite things. It helps that her closest childhood friend is Austin Romine of the New York Yankees. He has introduced her to a bunch of new people and he and his friends frequently need a place to crash that isn't a cold hotel. She likes to open her home to them whenever they are willing to make the trip to Westchester County.

"Well, let's go scare the shit out of (Y/N)," Giancarlo chuckles.


You wake up to the sound of the garage door shutting and the handle of the side door turning. It takes you a minute to realize what you're hearing, but once it registers, you throw the blanket off your body and stand up from the couch. Your heart is racing as you try to remember if you're expecting anyone tonight. What time is it? Where is your phone? You run your hands over your pockets trying to find your phone when the door creaks open slowly.


"Rise and shine sleepy head!"

You let out a sigh as you recognize the voices.

"Holy shit. You guys scared me," you say with a huge exhale.

You hear a bag drop and Giancarlo comes around the corner. He gives you a huge smile and trots over to give you a bear hug.

"Sorry (Y/N) it was Austin's decision to break in your house. Aaron and I thought it was a terrible idea."

"Wow, thanks for throwing me under the bus, man," Austin says as he elbows Giancarlo.

Austin grunts as you wrap your arms around his neck, "Next time pick up your phone when I call and text you a million times!"

"I fell asleep on the couch again for the third time this week. Work has been absolutely crazy. I hadn't heard from you guys in a bit, so I wasn't expecting company. Sorry for the mess."

Aaron comes around the corner carrying all three of their bags. He stands there awkwardly and just smiles as you stare at him with your mouth hanging open.

"Guys, help him!" you squeal.

Austin and Giancarlo grab their bags from Aaron and smack him on the back.

"Sorry man. This is (Y/N) by the way. (Y/N) this is Aaron. Not like you need much of an introduction," Austin smiles.

You can feel your face flush, but it's not the time to be embarrassed. First impressions are everything you think to yourself. You run your fingers through your hair, pat some of the wrinkles out of your shirt, and stick your hand out. "It's nice to finally meet you!" You exclaim.

Aaron gives you a huge smile and says, "I've heard so much about you! No way are we starting this out with a handshake."

He bends down and goes in for a hug.

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