Chapter 16

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Just then you hear a casual knock on the bedroom door. You shoot each other a panicked look and you mutter out, "Uh, hold on a second."

You're both naked and totally caught off guard. Aaron jumps up off the bed and grabs the towel that you threw on the floor. He heads into the bathroom with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. You collect your clothing that was carelessly thrown about earlier and start rushing to put it on. The knock comes again, but this time with more force behind it. Your tank top is on backwards, but you don't bother to fix it. Odds are it's just Romine coming to harass the two of you. You compose yourself as much as you can and open the door. Standing outside your bedroom door is Caleb, Mike's assistant from the photoshoot. You are totally caught off guard at the sight of him.

"Hey!" he says.

"H - hey, what's up?" you stammer.

"Well we were about to head out and I wanted to see you before we left. I just wanted to thank you again for letting us crash here," Caleb says with a smile.

"Oh, yeah of course," you reply slightly confused.

"You were great last night," he blurts out. "Like, you looked really great."


"Let me take you out some time," he says.


"Or we can stay in if that's more your thing," he replies with a wink.

"Oh, no thank you. I'm not interested," you reply.

Just as you say that you can sense a shift in Caleb's demeanor. He immediately stands up taller and starts to take in the state of the bedroom behind you. He takes a step forward as if he is trying to intimidate you and looks you up and down.

"You think you're too good for me?"

"I didn't say that. I just said that I'm not interested," you say standing your ground.

He shakes his head back and forth as if he can't believe you would turn him down.

"I knew you would say something like that. All you girls are the same."

"I think it's time for you to go,'' you say motioning towards the stairs.

His cocky attitude was getting worse by the minute, but instead of accepting your request he steps forward and puts his arm in the door frame as if he is trying to block you from leaving. You hear the bathroom door open from behind you and you turn around to see Aaron looking completely pissed off. He struts over to the door and steps slightly in front of you.

"Can I help you with something?" Aaron says.

"This has nothing to do with you, man. You should probably just mind your own business," Caleb responds.

Aaron shakes his head and lets out a little chuckle.

"You see, that's where you're wrong. She asked you politely to leave, so either you leave or I'll gladly escort you out."

Aaron has at least six inches on Caleb and probably close to 100 pounds on him. Caleb isn't moving fast enough for Aaron, so he grabs him by the upper arm to assist him down the stairs. Caleb shrugs him off and quickly pulls his arm back to get out of Aaron's grip. He gives you one last look and decides to throw in a pleasant, "Fuck you," your way before he walks off.

Aaron starts to go after him, but you yell his name and pull his arm back. He stops to look at you and realizes the seriousness in your tone. The commotion was loud enough to draw a crowd and Sonny and Austin quickly ascend the stairs. One look at Aaron, and it's obvious what's going on. Austin puts his hand on Caleb's back and encourages him to finally leave.

"You guys okay?" Sonny asks.

"Yeah, just give us a minute. We'll be down in a few," you respond.

Sonny nods and heads back downstairs. You grab Aaron's hand and lead him back into the bedroom. You shut the door behind you and lean against it as he paces back and forth.

"First things first, that was probably the hottest thing I've ever seen," you say calmly. "But, I don't need you sticking up for me like that. I appreciate it, but if anything were to happen I'd never forgive myself."

Aaron looks up at you and has a slight smirk on his face. He opens his mouth to respond to you, but changes his mind. He closes the gap and kisses you.

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