Chapter 7

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"Well this is one way to get to know each other quickly," Aaron chuckles.

"Girl! You look amazing. You look even better than what I imagined," Mike squeals. "All right let's head outside. (Y/N) it's a little chilly, but I'm sure you'll be warmed up in a minute."

You go out the sliding door with Aaron behind you. Your nerves are through the roof, but somehow you are keeping it together. Why exactly did you agree to do this again? Mike leans down and pats the lounge patio chair that Caleb pulled away from the pool.

"Okay, Aaron I want you to come over here and sit down. We want the band of your briefs to be showing slightly above your jeans because that just screams sex," Mike states enthusiastically.

Aaron adjusts his briefs and pulls his jeans down a bit to get the exact look you know Mike is looking for. He looks so damn good, but you bite your lip and look at the ground to control yourself.

"(Y/N) I need you to come over here and straddle Aaron's lap. We are going to be taking pictures of you two face to face, so this is the easiest way of going about that with the height difference."

You slowly walk over to Aaron and swing one leg over the chair. The lounge chair is close to the ground, and you don't really want to fully sit in his lap. You squat down and hover over his lap a little bit while you keep your hands on the top of the chair to steady yourself.

"You might as well get comfortable, I have a feeling this will be a while. Unless this is your workout for the day," Aaron looks up at you with a smile.

You give in because there is no way you have the core strength to hold that position for very long. You don't want to sit directly in Aaron's lap, so you scoot up a bit and sit on his lower abdomen.

"Am I hurting you?" you ask.

"Not even a little bit."

A flash goes off as you are looking down at Aaron. You look up to see Mike staring at you sheepishly.

"I'm sorry. You guys just look so great together. Let's start so that we can all actually get to sleep tonight at a normal hour. I don't really want to direct you guys too much. I'm looking for sweet but sexy," Mike says.

Aaron looks up at you completely lost. You can see that he is just as nervous as you are, so you decide to pull yourself together and take the lead on this one. You lean in and take Aaron's face in your hand and tilt your head as if you are going to kiss him. You slightly part your lips and pull on Aaron's bottom lip with your thumb to encourage him to do the same.

"Ugh, absolutely perfect," Mike says as you hear the shutter on the camera go off multiple times.

You look down at Aaron and bite your lip for Mike to take the next picture, but you notice that Aaron has locked eyes with you. He reaches up to cradle your face with his massive hand and tugs on your bottom lip for the next picture.

"Hello, sexy!" Mike calls out.

You try not to pay any attention to it, but you can feel Aaron grow hard underneath you. You shift slightly to try and relieve some pressure for him, but you must have rubbed him just right as he lets out a quiet gasp. You can't help but smile knowing that you've turned him on this much. Aaron rests his forehead against yours and you can hear how much Mike loves that. It's sweet, but you can tell that Aaron is dying for more and this is definitely not the time to go for it. You lean back a bit to get into a new position and you can feel Aaron pushing through the seams of his jeans. He locks eyes with you again and you can tell he has about had it with this photoshoot. He grabs your face and brings your lips to his aggressively.

"Yes!" Mike screams.

Aaron's tongue slips inside your mouth and starts to explore. You can hear the shutter on the camera going crazy and you can see the flash even though your eyes are closed. Aaron runs his fingers through your hair as one had holds your face in place as if he is begging you not to go anywhere. The kiss finally comes to an end and you lean back with a sigh. You've never seen Aaron look this happy.

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