Chapter 25

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Someone is walking towards you. The tall figure slowly approaches you, and you can tell immediately that it's Aaron. He stops before he gets to you and he allows you to walk up to him. He holds his hands out to you, and you hesitate long enough for him to pull back.

"I deserve that," he says.

You look up at him, but find that you don't have much to say. You feel overwhelmed with the desire to just hug him and hope that everything is okay, but you know that's not the right response.

"I fucked up, and I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have made any assumptions about you and Tyler. I should have just waited for you to tell me about it if you felt it was necessary." Aaron looks down at his feet and licks his lips. He lets out a little chuckle, "I know it's ridiculous, but I feel like I've known you forever, and I can't get you off of my mind."

He furrows his brow and looks down at you. He finds your hand and rubs his thumb back and forth over your knuckles.

"I just don't like this tension. Can we start over, please?" Aaron asks as he gazes at you.

You squeeze his hand and nod your head.

"You're soaking wet. Let's head back inside and get you some dry clothes," Aaron says leading you back towards the house.

It starts to downpour just as you enter the driveway. Aaron breaks into a casual jog and you follow his lead. When you make it back to the garage, you notice that his wet t-shirt is sticking to his sculpted chest, and his arms are covered in goosebumps.

"You're freezing - let's go."

This time you lead him inside and he follows you willingly. You both head up the stairs and into your bedroom. Aaron shuts the door behind him and immediately pulls off his shirt. You will probably never get used to the idea of having shirtless Aaron Judge in your bedroom. He scratches his chest and leave three red angry red lines in his wake. You walk over next to Aaron and trace the marks with your fingers. Aaron grabs your chin and hesitates. You can tell he isn't sure where you guys stand and you aren't too sure yourself. You take a deep breath and Aaron moves his hand away from your face.

He walks over towards his bag and takes off his jeans. He struggles a bit because they are wet and stick to his skin as he removes them one leg at a time. You strip out of Austin's hoodie and the dress that you have on underneath is damp from the rain. You pull it over your head and turn to find something dry to change into. Aaron is staring at you, watching your every move. His eyes float over the curves of your body and you blush at the thought of him watching you so carefully. You open up your closet to find something to wear and feel a light touch on your neck. You start to turn around, but Aaron grabs you by the shoulders to keep you facing towards the closet. He kisses you on the neck gently and makes his way up to your ear. He whispers, "I'm sorry," in your ear and walks away to change.

The cold and rainy afternoon has gotten to you. You find yourself unable to warm up and unable to concentrate on your book. You decide to bake some cupcakes to give yourself something to do and for an excuse to turn the oven on. The guys are all scattered throughout the house. Everyone is in a weird mood and there is still tension between you, Tyler, Austin and Aaron. You know that time will fix most of this tension and in a day or two everything will be back to normal. You start to mix together eggs, water, and cake mix when you hear someone come into the kitchen. You don't think anything of it and you continue to mix the cake batter. Suddenly, you feel a pair of hands wrap around your waist and pull your body back from the counter. The hands are strong and warm and feel nice against your waist. You don't hesitate and you lean back against his chest and tilt your head back. You quickly realize that the person behind you who you assumed was Aaron, is in fact Tyler. You pull away from him and before you can even open your mouth to question him, your eyes drift to the person standing in the doorway who just saw it all. 

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