Chapter 35

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Just as you sit up, you hear a knock at your bedroom door. You slide out from under the covers and head towards the door. You open the door to find Austin standing there waiting for you with his hand raised. You smile when you realize it's him, and you open the door all the way inviting him in.

"What are you still doing here?" you question him.

"I just wanted to talk to you really quick before I left for the day. I'm not sure if I will be coming by tonight."

You stare at him waiting for him to continue, and you can feel the tension radiating off of him. You notice his eyes lingering on your body, and you quickly remember that you are not wearing much of anything. You cross your arms over your chest and sit down on the bed. Austin stands in front of you. He looks awkward and self-conscious as he stares down at the floor. He is wearing a hoodie that is too big for him with the hood pulled up slightly.

"Wanna tell me what's on your mind?" you ask.

"I - um, I just wanted to, uh..." he stumbles over his words.

You point to the empty spot on the bed next to you, and Austin sits down. He pulls on the strings of his hoodie and rubs his hands up and down his thighs.

"Okay, what is going on?" you say.

"Sonny told me to tell you - he thinks that I should talk to you about this because it's been on my mind. I don't think it's a good idea though. I don't want to - I feel like you are going to be pissed."

You wait for him to continue, but he keeps rubbing his thighs. You grab his hand and hold onto it.

"Austin, what the fuck is going on?"

He stares up at you and squeezes your hand.

"I think I've fallen for you, (Y/N)."

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