Chapter 24

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"I'm exhausted from traveling. Hey, (Y/N) how about we go take a nap?" Tyler says with a wink.

You glance over at Aaron and notice that his jaw is clenched tight. His hands are balled up into fists, and he looks pissed. You can't help it, but you find him ridiculously attractive in this moment. Austin notices the frustration on his face and walks towards Aaron to stop anything from happening. Austin puts his hand out across Aaron's abdomen and lightly pushes him out of the room.

"We're going to go check in on Sonny," Austin says randomly.

Tyler has a confused look on his face, and he has no idea what he just walked into.

"Look," you say, "You are more than welcome to stay here. You know that. But I'm not interested in hooking up anymore."

"Woah, are you seeing Aaron?" Tyler questions.

"It's not about that. I just don't think it's good for me to keep doing this with you."

Tyler looks at you confused. He widens his eyes and shrugs his shoulders.

"Okay, whatever. It's cool if I stay here?"

"Yeah, the bedrooms upstair are all open," you say looking down.

Tyler squeezes your elbow and walks past you and up the stairs. That was relatively painless considering how pissed Aaron looked. As annoyed as you were with Austin, you have to give him credit for stepping in and stopping a potential fight. You stand in the middle of the hallway not really sure where to go or what to do. Tyler is pissed at you, Aaron is pissed at you, and Austin is pissed at you. You decide to go for a walk to try and gather your thoughts. It's a little chilly out and it looks like it might rain, so you go into Austin's room to grab a hoodie. You'd rather risk him getting mad at you for stealing his clothes than go upstairs and run into Tyler right now. 

You slip on a hoodie that is way too big for you, but those are always the most comfortable. You walk out through the garage door and head down the driveway. It starts to drizzle a little bit, but it doesn't bother you much. You put the hood up and pull the drawstring tighter. You start off down the road and try to clear your mind. You focus on the leaves crunching under your feet, the sound of cars whizzing by, and the cool water that is hitting your face. Your feet slap the pavement and you start to think about the events that have transpired. You have enjoyed your time immensely with Aaron, but something feels off. You feel as though he is holding back or that he needs to tell you something, but isn't. His anger towards Tyler seemed unwarranted, but you loved how protective he was when Caleb freaked out. You can't have it both ways. You make your way around the block, and look up when you hear footsteps. Someone is walking towards you.

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