Chapter 34

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You lean your head back and stare up at the huge grin on his face. He kisses your neck gently and massages your breasts as he leans down. He removes his hands, and you pull your tank top over your head. You hear Aaron walk away and you take this time to grab a pair of shorts from your dresser. You yank the shorts on and turn back towards Aaron. He is sitting on the bed looking down at his phone which he has plugged into the wall. You smile to yourself because Aaron has started to make himself at home. The night table has a bottle of water, a watch, and his phone charger draped across it. His bag sits neatly on the floor, and you realize that he will probably not be able to stay with you for long. A wave of sadness comes over you and you have to remind yourself that this is the reality of dating a professional athlete. Aaron turns around and smiles at you. The muscles in his back flex at his movement and all you want to do is run your fingers over his beautiful skin. He recognizes the sadness in your eyes and gives you a questioning look.

"What's on your mind, babe?"

You hesitate for a second to gather your thoughts. "How are we going to make this work?"

Aaron pats the bed next to him and you make your way towards him.

"Plenty of people make situations like this work. I'll be here when I can, and when I'm away, we'll still talk as much as possible. If you regret this in any way, or if you want to rethink this..."

"No! It's not like that. I just - I know it's going to be hard, and as cheesy as it sounds, I miss you already."

Aaron loops his arm around your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. He kisses the top of your head and runs his hand up and down your arm.

"We're going to make this work. There is no way I am letting you go this quickly."

He kisses you on the head again and looks down at you. You stare up at his face and gently kiss his lips. Aaron pulls back and smiles.

"We should probably listen to Austin and try to get some sleep," he says.

You make your way over to your side of the bed and slide your legs under the covers. Aaron stands up and does a couple of quick stretches before bed - rotating his aggravated shoulder. He joins you in bed and rubs his legs against yours.

Before you even realize you are saying it, you mutter, "Did Austin seem kind of weird today?"

"Not that I noticed. Weird in what way?" he asks.

"I don't know. He was joking around and stuff, but he seemed kind of upset."

"I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure he is okay," Aaron says quietly.

You can hear the sleepiness in his voice, and you decide to drop the subject. You'll talk to Austin more tomorrow if he seems different still. You turn on your side and face away from Aaron. He rolls over so that he can spoon your body, and he rests his hand on your abdomen. You fit perfectly against his torso, and you slowly slip into a restful sleep.


You wake up to the sound of rustling. You rise up onto your elbows and look over to find Aaron searching through his bag.

"Damn, I'm sorry baby girl. I didn't mean to wake you," he says sounding disappointed.

"It's okay. I wanted to see you before you left for today."

Aaron smirks and walks over to the bed. "I couldn't leave without a good luck kiss," he says as he sits down.

He reaches over and gives you a bear hug, pressing his face into your neck. You can't help but let out a giggle when his stubble tickles you. You pull back and give Aaron a hard kiss on the lips.

"Good luck!"

Aaron kisses you on both cheeks and stands up.

"I'll be by later, okay?"

You nod your head and watch Aaron as he slings his bag over his shoulders and walks out of the bedroom. You drop your head back down on the pillow and stare up at the ceiling, You grab your phone from the nightstand closest to you and start scrolling through different social media platforms. You catch up on your Instagram feed, and just when you go to open up Twitter, you get a text from Aaron.

"On the way to the stadium with Greg. Hope you have an amazing day! I can't wait to see you later xoxo."

A smile spreads across your cheeks and you get a warm feeling deep in your belly. Aaron is ridiculously sweet which is something you have always assumed just based on how he is portrayed in the media. You check the time and realize that it is about time that you get up and start to get ready for the day. You have a light work week, but that doesn't mean there isn't stuff you should be doing from home. Just as you sit up, you hear a knock at your bedroom door.

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