Chapter 2

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Aaron bends down and goes in for a hug. Your breath catches in your throat, but you allow yourself to relax and return the hug. His massive hands envelop your back and you are completely swooning over the man you've been so obviously crushing on for months. He bends down low enough for you to put your arms around his neck with one hand finding the back of his head, running your fingers through his short, soft curls. You realize how intimate this hug just became, and you quickly pull back. You stare up at him and notice the grin that he has on his face. One glance over his shoulder shows that Sonny and Austin have also noticed the tension that this hug has created.

"Well, (Y/N), it's really nice to finally meet you. All the guys speak so highly of you. And your house it's - it's absolutely stunning," Aaron says sheepishly.

You pull down on your shirt that started riding up from the hug, and you try to control the heat that you feel in your cheeks and chest.

"Thank you! If you want, I can give you a tour of the place," you respond.

"Hey, (Y/N), how about you show him to the guest room next to your bedroom and I'll order us some pizzas for dinner," Austin suggests.

"That's the best idea you've had in a while," replies Sonny.

Austin rolls his eyes and leans in to give you a kiss on the cheek. "It's good to be home," he says.


You motion for Aaron to follow you down the hallway. He stops frequently to stare at art on the wall and just absorb your home.

"Sorry if I'm being nosey. You just have a lot of really interesting stuff here," Aaron says.

"It's all good. I like to collect a bunch of different things so sometimes it feels a bit messy."

You bring Aaron into your lavish kitchen and dining room and show him where he is always free to help himself. You go through the dining room and into the gaming room. Aaron's eyes widen as he looks like he has just walked into a dream. A huge TV is on the one wall and the room is filled with a giant couch and multiple bean bag chairs. It tends to be most people's favorite room of the house and is the room where you guys spend the most time hanging out. He walks over to the corner of the room which just so happens to be your favorite place. The corner is lined floor to ceiling with books and there is a huge bean bag chair that can easily sit three adults. There is candlestick chandelier above the chair giving off a soft light.

"This is amazing," he murmurs as he looks through all of your books.

"This room is usually a big hit. The guys like to come in here and play video games or watch movies, and I usually curl up in this corner with a good book. It allows me to spend time with my friends while still doing what I love the most."

"Well isn't that adorable," he says with a smirk.

You smile and look down at your feet looking more bashful than you intended.

"I hope I didn't just offend you," he stammers. "I meant that as a good thing. I think it's awesome that you have a hobby you enjoy so much."

"Yeah of course," you reply. "Well let's finish up the tour. You are always welcome to come back to this room later on."

Aaron pretends to plant his feet where he stands and you jokingly grab his arm to pull him with you. His arm is massive and he doesn't even budge when you actually put some effort into it. You feel heat rise to your face for what feels like the millionth time tonight.

"What if I tell you the next stop on the tour is the bedroom?" you say with a wink.

Adventures with Aaronحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن