Chapter 26

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You pull away from him and before you can even open your mouth to question him, your eyes drift to the person standing in the doorway who just saw it all. Aaron. You try to speak up to say something, but he is after Tyler before you can even get one word out. Aaron grabs Tyler by the shoulder and pulls him away from you.

"Stop!" you scream at anyone who will listen to you.

Tyler pushes Aaron, but he doesn't do much damage.

"What the fuck is your problem, man?" Tyler says.

"What's my problem? You're the one acting like you own her! She said she's no longer interested in you. Take a fucking hint," Aaron says inches away from Tyler's face.

You know that there is no way that you could physically restrain either one of them, so you try to stick yourself in between them just to break the tension. Thankfully, Austin and Sonny come running in the kitchen after hearing the commotion.

"Again!? What the hell," screams Austin as he grabs one of Aaron's arms.

Sonny grabs Aaron's other arm and together they pull him back. Aaron struggles against them, and you can tell that they won't have him under control for much longer. You grab Tyler's hand and lead him out of the room. You pull him into the living room and turn around ready to scream at him.

"What the fuck was that about?" you yell.

"I didn't realize you were serious. I just wanted to flirt a little with you," Tyler yells back.

You rub your eyes and shake your head, "Get your shit and leave."

"You're kicking me out?" he exclaims.

"Well you both can't stay here. Everything was fine before you got here," you say even though it's not entirely true.

"Wow, I really can't believe you are picking him over me."

"Tyler, just get your bag and go."

Tyler shakes his head and starts to walk up the stairs. You can hear Austin yelling in the kitchen, so you go back in there to see what's going on.

"You need to calm the fuck down. If anyone gets to kick his ass, it's me," Austin screams.

Sonny still has a hand on Aaron's shoulder and Aaron is fuming. He glances at you when you walk in the room, and if anything, he gets even more pissed.

"(Y/N), not a good time," Austin says ushering you out of the kitchen. "You're not his favorite person in the world right now either."

Austin has his hands on both of your shoulders and rubs them up and down your arms.

"I'm sorry about before. I didn't try to fuck things up, but it seems like I did a pretty good job," he says with a smirk.

You try to laugh, but you are so close to tears that you just end up pouting. Austin wraps you in a hug and kisses your face nonstop until you start to giggle. You push him away from you playfully and he starts to laugh.

"That always works with you. Just gotta show you some affection and you can't get away fast enough," Austin says pretending to cry.

This finally gets you laughing. Austin kisses you on the cheek once more and holds you close.

"I'll be right back. I gotta go make sure your boyfriend doesn't kill anyone," he says before he heads back into the kitchen.

You hear the front door shut heavily, and you walk towards the window to look out. You watch Tyler get into his Jeep and drive away. 

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