Chapter 21

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You look up and find yourself staring into Aaron's eyes from across the room. He gives you a wink and his million dollar smile. The guys are all staring at you, but you don't have a care in the world.

"Get a room," Sonny moans.

Aaron gets up from the couch and walks over towards you. He plops down next to you on the bean bag chair and opens his arms inviting you to cuddle. You tuck your legs underneath your body and wrap your arms around his torso.

"I'll skip this round, guys," Aaron says cooly as he kisses you on the top of the head.

Sonny rolls his eyes dramatically which gives you a good laugh. Aaron puts his arm around your body, holding you close to him. You prop your book on Aaron's lap and settle in.


You wake up overheated and confused. You look up to see Aaron smiling down at you. Your limbs feel stiff and it takes a minute to stretch out from the position you were in. You fell asleep curled up in Aaron's lap which is definitely one of the coziest places you could be. Aaron tilts your chin up and gives you a sweet, gentle kiss on the lips.

"You guys are getting ridiculous," Austin says.

You give Austin the finger as you kiss Aaron harder, smiling against his mouth. You aren't quite ready to get up yet, so you snuggle back into Aaron's chest, burying your face into his shirt.


You wake up to what sounds like a whispered argument. You slowly open your eyes to find Austin standing over you sternly speaking with Aaron.

"I'm just saying. You better not fuck this up," Austin whispers.

You sit up, "Better not fuck what up?"

"Nothing. (Y/N), you have the worst timing," Austin says squeezing your cheeks together.

You swat his hand away and stand up, "Seriously, what were you guys talking about?"

Aaron grabs you by the hips and pulls you back down to the bean bag.

"Nothing at all," he says right before he kisses you.

You forget that Austin is standing there and lose yourself in the moment. Aaron's big hands on your waist, his soft lips touching yours; you feel as though you could stay like this forever.

"You guys are unbelievable," Austin says.

You stick your tongue out at Austin as he walks out of the room shaking his head. You settle back in next to Aaron and your phone starts to ring. The name 'Tyler' appears on the home screen of your phone with a smiling picture of Tyler Seguin. Aaron gives you a confused look and you try to keep your composure as you answer the phone.

"Hello?" You say as you stand up. "Hey! I'm doing well. How's it going? ... Oh, yeah. That's great ... Yeah, there is a room or two available if you need a place to crash ... Okay, sounds good."

You hang up the phone and turn back towards Aaron.

"What was that about?" he asks. 

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