Chapter 10

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"I would love nothing more than to spend time with you tonight," you say with a smile.

Aaron grins and looks down at you. He brushes a piece of hair behind your ear and moves his hand away quickly as if embarrassed.

"Do you mind if I shower?" you ask.

"Of course not. Do you want to just hang out up here and watch a movie?" Aaron asks.

You nod your head and make your way to your dresser drawer to pull out some clean clothes. Even though Aaron took some of the pressure off you still wanted to make a good impression. You want to look cute and sexy but not look like you are trying too hard. You pick out a pair of cute undies with a matching bralette, a simple black tank top, and a pair of sleep shorts. You shake your head and try to remind yourself to stop overthinking everything. You turn around and find Aaron changing by the bed. He pulled off the jeans that he was wearing for the photo shoot and was folding them neatly. His ass looks perfect in his briefs and you can't help but stop and stare. He grabs a pair of basketball shorts out of his bag and slips them on. He takes off the shirt he must have had on earlier and his back muscles stretch and flex as he moves. His arms are to die for, and you are probably going to die because Aaron turns around to find you staring at him with your mouth wide open.

"Enjoying the view?" he questions.

"I'm so sorry," you say embarrassed. "I, uh, I - let me just go take a shower."

Aaron lets out a laugh and you quickly turn around to head towards the bathroom. You set up all your clean clothes on the counter top and look at yourself in the mirror. Your hair is a mess and you have circles under your eyes. The little bit of makeup you put on earlier was probably rubbed off during the photo shoot. You are hoping that the shower freshens up your face a little bit, but you know that it's not likely. If Aaron is attracted to you like this, then you are in good shape. You strip out of your clothes and hop in the shower to clean up quickly.


Aaron sits down on the bed once he puts a fresh shirt on. He is on his phone just relaxing waiting for (Y/N) when someone starts knocking on the bedroom door. He gets up to answer the door to find Austin and Sonny standing there with huge smiles on their faces.

"Where is (Y/N)?" Sonny questions. His smile faltering a little bit.

"She's in the shower. What are you guys doing up here?" Aaron asks.

"We wanted to make sure everything was going smoothly," Austin replies with a smirk.

Aaron turns around to check to make sure (Y/N) hadn't emerged from the shower and he pushes the guys out into the hallway. He shuts the door behind him.

"Quit being dicks. What do you want?" Aaron says a little more seriously than he intended.

"Woah, chill man. No need to get upset. We just wanted to check on (Y/N). She seemed a little nervous before, so I wanted to make sure she was okay," Austin replies.

"We had a talk about expectations and stuff and I think we are good now. You guys should know me enough to know I'm not going to take advantage of her or do anything she isn't okay with."

Austin and Sonny both nod their heads and look at each other.

"Listen man, she is one of my closest friends and I just want to make sure that she is comfortable," Austin says.

"I get that, but you know me. I'm not going to do anything to make her uncomfortable," Aaron replies.

Austin pats Aaron on the shoulder and brings him in for a hug.

"Just remember to invite us to the wedding," Austin mumbles with a wink.

Aaron gives him a playful shove and tells them to have a good night. He shuts the door to (Y/N)'s bedroom and hears the shower turn off.


You turn the shower off and open the shower curtain. You take one towel to dry off your face and arms and then you wrap it around your hair. You grab another towel to dry off the rest of your body. Once you are dried off you put your clothes on and start to towel dry your hair. You run a comb through your hair quickly and give yourself one more glance in the mirror.

You emerge from the bathroom to find Aaron in bed searching through Netflix. He looks over at you and gives you a quick look up and down. He smiles slightly and pats the bed next to him. You climb into the bed next to him and lean on his shoulder as he flips through Netflix.

"I'm thinking something scary? How does that sound?"

"Perfect," you reply.

You guys decide on an old scary movie and settle into bed. Aaron props up some pillow behind him and opens his arm up to invite you to snuggle. You wrap one arm around his waist and rest your head on his chest. He kisses the top of your head and you smile. 

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