Chapter 4

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"Hey you two! Pizza is here!" Austin yells up the stairs.

You smile up at Aaron, "Looks like our company is being requested then. If you wanna put your bags down and get settled in, I'll save you a seat."

Dinner was perfect. Pizza with some of your favorite guys is always a great way to spend the evening. You didn't realize just how hungry you were, but you hadn't eaten since lunch time and it was obvious. Two beers and four slices of pizza later and even your comfy yoga pants felt tight.

"I need to lie down," you mutter.

You make your way into the game room and weigh your options. You decide to flop down on one of the large bean bag chairs and just let it completely consume you. You close your eyes for what feels like a few seconds and open them to see Aaron standing above you.

"Want some company?" he says with a shy smile.

You move over more than you need to, but it gives Aaron enough room to sit down without automatically being on top of you. You wouldn't mind that, but you want to make sure Aaron is on the same page as you before you assume anything. Just as Aaron sits down Austin comes into the game room.

"Hey, (Y/N) is it okay if some of my friends come by and spend the night? It's my photographer buddy and his three assistants. They have a huge project they are working on in the city, but I haven't seen him in a long time," Austin asks as he leans on the door frame.

"Mike? Yeah, that's cool with me," you reply.

"Awesome, thanks. Don't get too comfortable you two. Tyler just got here and we are going to come in and play games."

Aaron nudges you with his elbow and gives you a sweet smile when you look over at him. You knock your foot into his knee and jokingly say, "Hey, watch it."

The guys come in the room to play video games and have a couple drinks. They have an off day tomorrow, so they are letting loose a little more than normal. Austin's friends show up and join in on the fun. They try to include you and Aaron, but you both are content just watching them from the bean bag. You are lying down next to each other with your arms and legs lightly touching, but it's natural and you aren't even thinking about it. You are so relaxed.


Aaron is freaking out. His teammates have been telling him about (Y/N) for months, but he absolutely hates being set up on dates. He saw pictures of (Y/N) and appreciated her looks, but he knew she was some fancy magazine editor in New York - there is no way they would get along. Pictures simply did not do her justice. She is gorgeous, has a great sense of humor and is so down to earth. Aaron liked that she blushed when they met and he loved that the hug hello lasted a little longer than it should have. Aaron feels a hand on his shoulder slowly shake him awake and a whisper, "Hey, Aaron."

Aaron wakes up to the rowdiness of his friends and the most beautiful girl standing in front of him.

"Mike wants to take your picture."

"What?" Aaron replies as he sits up.

"Yeah, your bone structure is to die for. Is it cool if I snap some pictures of you before I leave tomorrow?" Mike asks. "Actually, if I could convince the two of you to do a mini photoshoot together, I would be the happiest man on earth. The softness of her features next to your angles, perfect."

"Who, me?" (Y/N) asks.

"No, the other beautiful girl in the room," Mike responds sarcastically. 

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