Chapter 11

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He kisses the top of your head and you smile. His one arm is around your shoulder and he slowly rubs his hand up and down your upper arm. You nuzzle your head into his chest and put your leg on top of his. He regularly gives you sweet little kisses on the top of your head which make you smile every time. There are a couple of times during the movie where you get scared and need to cover your eyes, and you do so by pushing your face further into his chest. He puts his hand on the back of your head and plays with your hair. Aaron has officially found your weak spot. You start to wriggle underneath him and you hear him let out a soft laugh. He lowers his hand to the nape of your neck and slowly runs his fingers up through your hair to the top of you scalp stopping to massage your head. You let out a quiet moan and start to sit up. He squeezes your arm and pulls you closer to his body.

"Just relax, okay?" he whispers.

You nod your head into his chest and try to ease the tension out of your shoulders. Aaron keeps massaging your scalp with his left hand and uses his right hand to run his fingers up and down your back lightly. It gives you chills throughout your entire body and you are now covered in goosebumps. Aaron places his hand on your right shoulder and moves you off of him so that you are lying flat on your back. You look up at him with a huge smile on your face.

"You don't even know what I'm about to do," he says smiling.

"I know but I don't even care. This has been an amazing night."

Aaron's knees are resting on the bed on either side of your body. He tells you to close your eyes, and you comply. You feel his fingers tracing lines on your neck which makes you arch your back and tilt your head. He quickly takes advantage of the new position he has gotten you into and he goes in for your neck. He starts out with sweet, gentle kisses going across your entire neck from ear to ear. You let out a quiet giggle when he gets to the sweet spot which is right underneath your ear. You feel his warm tongue graze your skin and you let out a gasp. He lightly sucks on your earlobe and gently gives it a nibble. He lets out a growl and pretends to bite your neck. You laugh and push him off you. He rolls over and lands next to you with his hands resting on his chest.

"Wait, that's it!?" you exclaim.

Aaron throws his head back and lets out a laugh. He leans over and gives you a kiss on the cheek.

"You are such a tease!" you yell at him.

"I don't want to pressure you into anything!" he says.

"Did Austin say something to you?" you say as you sit straight up in bed.

Aaron just stares at you with a smile on his face.

"I'm going to kill him."

"No, no," Aaron grabs your arm. "He just cares about you a lot, and I get it. You're amazing, and I want to do this right."

You roll over on top of him and lean down close to his face.

"You're sweet, but I know that you have a dirty side and I can't wait to explore that with you."

You place your hand on his face and bring his lips to yours. You give him a hard, long kiss and drop your hips low to grind against him. He moans against your lips and puts his hands on your hips to hold you still. You can feel him hard below you and you smile against his mouth.

"Fuck. You're amazing," he moans.

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