Chapter 37

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"I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Austin. I really can't put into words how much you mean to me." 

Austin gazes into your eyes and smiles wide.

"I should probably catch up with the guys. They're going to be wondering where I am." Austin pushes himself up off of the bed. He twists his body side to side, and his back responds with a small crack. He grips your shoulders and leans down to kiss the top your head.

"I'll see you soon, (Y/N)."

Austin walks out of your bedroom and trots down the stairs. You recline back on the bed and rub your eyes. These past few days have been the strangest few days of your life, and you're still not quite sure what to make of it. Austin has been one of your closest friends for a while now, and you can't stand the idea of losing him. On the other hand, your relationship with Aaron is so new and exciting. You don't know where it will lead, but it has potential, and you deserve that hopeful feeling in your belly.

The garage door vibrates the floor, and Austin's departure gives you enough motivation to get out of bed finally. You head down to the kitchen to fix yourself some breakfast and clean up a bit from the night before. The guys are pretty good about picking up after themselves, but ultimately some things get left behind for you to take care of. Today you don't mind the distraction. A lot has happened in the past three days. You have entered into a new relationship, and your best friend confessed his love for you. Life is fucking weird.

You scramble up a couple of eggs and make a few pieces of toast. While the eggs cook, you wipe down the counter and throw out some beer bottles from the previous night. You brew a cup of coffee and make your way over to the breakfast bar. Your laptop remains open from the last time you used it, and you log in to your email while your breakfast cools. You quickly get sucked into a work email and forget about the decisions that loom ahead.

Lunchtime comes and goes as you work away catching up on emails. You go to grab your phone and realize that you must have left it upstairs in the bedroom. You run your hand through your hair and let out a huge yawn, and you think that another cup of coffee sounds like a great idea. The clock in the corner of the computer screen reads 12:57, and you remember that the guys are playing at 1:00 today.

You skip up the stairs to grab your phone to find a few texts from Aaron. You unlock your phone and read them with a smile on your face.

"Don't tell anyone, but I would rather be home in bed with you right now," the first one reads.

Two minutes later Aaron writes, "I'm sure it's obvious from my previous text, but I miss you."

The final text simply says, "Putting my phone away now. Hope you get to watch the game." He finishes the text off with a heart eye emoji, and you find yourself grinning at your phone.

You respond with, "Sorry I just saw these! I left my phone upstairs while I got some work done. About to curl up on the couch and watch the game. Miss you too!" You contemplate adding a heart emoji but decide on the kissy face emoji instead. Not as much pressure. You slip your phone into your bra and race back down the stairs to make a cup of coffee before the game starts.

Things aren't going well. It's the bottom of the 7th inning with Aaron up at bat. He is 0 for 3 with three strikeouts, and his frustration is evident. He is quickly down in the count, and you can see Aaron exchanging words with the umpire. He is shaking his head back and forth obviously disagreeing with the inconsistent strike zone the ump has had all game. The next pitch sails in and up and hits Aaron in the shoulder. You can hear him scream in pain or anger, and you're not sure which, but before you realize what is happening you are standing up carefully watching the television. Aaron exchanges some more words with the umpire and even makes some comments towards the pitcher. You have never seen Aaron this upset during a game, and you can't help but feel terrible about the situation. You sit back down on the couch as he takes first base still visibly shaken up.

The game comes to an end with the Yankees losing 5-0. Aaron went 0 for 4 with three strikeouts and a hit by pitch. The reporters attempt to interview him after the game, but Aaron appears standoffish and irritated. He keeps his answers short and to the point putting a lot of blame on himself and his shortcomings. You turn the TV off not wanting to hear the announcers talk about Aaron's poor performance anymore. Just then your phone starts to vibrate. You look down at an incoming text from Aaron that just says, "On my way over."

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