Chapter Twenty-One: Ruby Lodge

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(No instagram post this chapter due to it being kinda more serious and I couldn't come up with an idea because of the topic of the chapter.)
(Happy Thanksgiving❤ and happy Thursday to people who don't celebrate it)


“Tally, what can I do for you?” Hermione Lodge asked.

“Who’s Ruby Lodge?” I asked off the bat.


“He told you didn’t he?” Hermione asked me.

“No, I hacked his files because I was tired of him lying.” I admitted.

“Come on in.” She sighed as she moved from the door, letting me in. “Where is your Dad?”

“Locked in the living room with the rest of the Avengers because they were fighting and it was getting annoying.” I shrugged.

“Why don’t you ask your Dad?” 

“He’d lie to me. If you can’t tell me anything tell me what relation she has to you.” I requested.

“She’s Hiram’s little sister.” She admitted to me. “But that is all I will tell you.”

“Thank you, Hermione.” I smiled slightly as I left. Now I knew I needed to talk to my dad. My head was running at an unusual speed. It probably wasn’t a good thing I was driving. On my way home Pepper called me. “Hey Pep.” 

“Tally! I just got out of a meeting, what’s going on?” She asked and explained everything except for the fact I found out who my mother is. “Holy shit. Is everyone okay?”

“Yeah, I stopped it before they killed each other. Dad got Peter involved.” I sighed.

“Wait. Where are you?” She asked.

“Right now I am driving back home because I ran to Ronnie’s.” I admitted.

“I thought Tony told you to stay away from them?” She asked.

“He did but I had to ask her a question.” I somewhat told the truth.

“Okay. I’ll be back in Riverdale probably tomorrow, some time around noon.” She told me.

“Okay, see you then.” I said and then we said goodbye and I pulled into the garage. I got out of my car and slammed the door closed before I made my way upstairs. I walked to the living room and had FRIDAY let me in.

“Look who finally decide to join us.” Sam said.

“Well, I wasn’t just sitting around.” I answered then looking to my dad.

“Then what were you doing?” My dad asked.

“Hacking your personal files. By the way, you need a better firewall.” I answered.

“Why would you do that?” He asked kinda scared.

“Yes, I did find out who my mother was.” I admitted, answering the question I knew he was asking in his head. “After I found out I went to Hermione Lodge who would only tell me the relation my mother had to the Lodges. Not to mention the fact you were married to her for two years before having me!”

“Tally, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” He told me.

“Sorry? Sorry! Tony, it is way too late to say sorry. You lied to me, my whole life and you expect me to trust you now. It’s funny, we were rebuilding our father-daughter relationship but this, we have no relationship now and what was the point? So you didn’t have to tell me Ronnie was my cousin? So I wouldn’t be part of the Lodges? That’s why you moved me to Riverdale because it’s where I was born, isn’t it?” I asked.

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