Chapter Sixty-Two: Break-Ins and Surprise Vists

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Liked by Thalia_Stark, Pepper_Potts and 356 others

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Liked by Thalia_Stark, Pepper_Potts and 356 others

@kingpea: this girl tho😍 @Thalia_Stark

@Thalia_Stark: Love you babe😍😘

⬆@kingpea: I love you too😘 MY SHIP😍

To the story.............

That night we all sat in the Living Room, playing Monopoly, when Betty's phone began to ring. "Ew. It's my mom." She told us. "Should I answer it?" Everyone told her not to but she did anyway. "What if it's about Chic? Let me just..." Then she left the room to answer the phone. Then while Betty was on the phone, the rest of us got into a conversation about her brother, Chic.

"By the way, when are we ever gonna get to meet Chic?" Ronnie asked.

"I actually did before we left." Jughead began.

"And? How was he?" I asked.

"Honestly, he's kinda creepy." He told us.

"Like serial killer vibe, creepy?" I questioned.

"Definitely." He agreed then Betty came back from her phone call.

"Guys...." Betty began.

"What's wrong, blondie?" I questioned.

"Everything okay?" Archie asked.

"No, actually. My mom is freaking out because Hiram Lodge just bought the Riverdale Register. My mom is losing her mind. My dad's not answering her calls. Veronica, did you know your dad was buying the Register?" She told us and holy shit, Hiram is becoming the Monopoly man.

"What? No, Betty, of course not." Ronie reassured her as the core four stood up and they began to fight. Sweet Pea and I didn't want to talk about this on the weekend getaway but then something bad happened. The guys from the store broke in. I could tell it was them because the guy who checked us out was the one speaking. They made us get down on our knees.

"You rich summer folks never learn. You just keep walking around town, flashing more cash than we see in a year. We're gonna take what we want, and then we're gonna go." Cassidy told us, as the four men with guns began searching and taking things while holding a gun to us. "If you guys behave yourselves, nobody gets their skulls knocked in." I knew if I was going to do something to protect my friends it would have to be when I knew they were safe or I could get in a fight without anyone getting hurt.

"Fine, take what you want. We won't give you any trouble." Ronnie told them but me and her both know, me going down without a fight is bullshit. Then the guy turned to me.

"It's in my room." I told them.

"Then let's go to your room." He told me, making me stand up.

"Lia, no." Pea said, trying to stop it. "No way are you going with her up there alone. I'll go."

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