Chapter Twenty-Five: Lesbianism and The Tree Tapping

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Liked by Arch.Andrews, CherylBombshell and 68745

@Thalia_Stark: @Tony_Stark and I were invited to the Blossom tree tapping. @CherylBomshell @Arch.Andrews

@CherylBomshell: Thanks for coming Tally. I really needed our talk.

⬆@Thalia_Stark: Np Cherry. Just women supporting women. Don't let the sexist assholes get to you.

⬆ mood

To the story...........

appy 3k reads!

The day after that was spent locked in the lab working on the cold case. I hacked the LA Police Department for the files. No one was going to notice I was even there because I didn’t take the files I made a copy of it. I made sure to save it in the full file. The next day I was at the Soup Kitchen. I wasn’t going to lie, I had been up for 48 hours straight andI looked horrible and was living off of red bull. I made little progress in the cold case which worried me. When I walked in Toni, Sweet Pea, Fangs and Beck were already there but no sign of FP. “Hey guys.” I said groggily.

“Wow. Did you get drunk last night or something?” Toni asked.

“No, Pinkie Pie, I didn’t. I just have been up for 48 hour straight and I am living off of Red Bull and coffee.” I admitted.

“I see you’ve finally figured out a nickname for me.” Toni chuckled.

“Should you even be driving?” Sweet Pea asked, concerned.

“Sunflower, I have been awake a lot longer than this before. This is nothing. I look like hell because of stress.” I shrugged. I heard Beck laugh.

“Since when do you call him Sunflower?” Beck asked.

“Since we met.” I shrugged. Then the boss came in. I honestly forgot his name and just started referring to him a Danny Divito knock off.

“Okay, Stark, Topaz and Oliver you are on serving and cooking duty. Sweet Pea and Forgarty you are on clean up. Are we clear?” He asked.

“Yes, sir.” We all said at once. Then we watched him wobble back into his office.

“I actually forgot his name.” I admitted, “I have just been calling him Danny Divito knock off in my head.” 

“Oh my god. He does look like a Danny Divito knock off? Doesn’t he?” Fangs laughed.

“Oh my god he does.” Beck agreed.

“Tally, you are amazing, never change.” Sunflower smiled at me.

“I don’t plan on it.” I shrugged.

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