Chapter Thirty-Nine: Swalia Is Endgame

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@Thalia_Stark: I leave my phone out for less than a minute and he takes dozens of these😂😂 @kingpea

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@Thalia_Stark: I leave my phone out for less than a minute and he takes dozens of these😂😂 @kingpea

@kingpea: Why did you post it?😂😂😂

⬆@Thalia_Stark: It was on my phone so I posted it.


⬆@Thalia_Stark: Dude, I was in the same room as him.

⬆@queentopaz: Oh my god, he's gettong worse. I ship this so freaking much😍

⬆@gothqueen: just..... SAME #Swalia








⬆@jeffreestar: I don't know who this is but I high key ship this.

@Tony_Stark: I don't like this

⬆@Thalia_Stark: You don't like any guy I talk to unless it's one of the Avengers, Peter, Ned or Kevin.

⬆@Tony_Stark: eh, ur not wrong.

To the story...

Tally's POV...
"Wait, your brother did what?" I questioned, Cat as I walked down the hallways of Riverdale High for the very first time since I was kidnapped.
"He made a very STUPID video threatening the black hood and I think he's acting unrationally because he watched you die from the black hood." She told me, "Basically, I want to know if you'll talk to him."
"Yeah, of course. I'll talk to him tonight." I agreed.
"Thank you so much, I have to go to Cheer practice but I'll talk to you later." Cat said then running off to the female locker room.
"Look who it is, The Walking Dead." Reggie smirked at me.
"Fuck off, Mantle, that wasn't my first time dying." I said then rolling my eyes and walking away. Then I received a call from Toni. "Hey, Pinkie Pie, what's up?"
"Have you seen the gingy's video?" She asked me.
"No, I haven't been on social media this morning but I heard about from the gingy's sister and she wants me to talk him down from his hero complex because he watched me get shot." I explained.
"Well, you might have to talk Sweet Pea down, this has him riled up and complimented the Black Hood in a weird way." She sighed.
"Give Sweet Pea the phone." I told her, kinda pissed.
"Happily." She agreed and after a few rustles and Toni telling Sweet Pea that it was me on the phone.
"Hey Lia..." He said wearily.
"What the actual fuck, Sweet Pea? Do you not remember that The Black Hood technically shot and killed me?" I asked him kinda pissed.
"It slipped my mind." He told me. "Look, I know you're pissed but that kid is targeting the Southside." He told me.
"Sunflower." I took a deep breath, "He watched me get shot and him and his dad were the ones who took me to the hospital. He's kinda traumatized and yes, he's an idiot with a hero complex who isn't thinking straight. I told his sister that I would try and talk him down. Just don't worry too much about it right now. Plus he's wrong anyway, the killer is most likely a Northsider." I told him.
"How do you know that?" He questioned.
"Well, he has only struck in suburban areas, meaning that's his comfort zone and most likely lives in said area." I explained with a sigh. "Before you question it, I may not be an Avenger but I've helped with cases and such, plus I watch a lot of Criminal Mind and just Serial Killer documentaries anyway."
"Neat, should I be worried?" He asked concerned.
"Nah, I like you too much." I chuckled, "I gotta go before I am late for class."
"Later, Lia." He said before hanging up Toni's phone. Then I saw a red-headed Archie pass by me.
"Red!" I said, getting his attention.
"Tally! It's good to see that you are alive and well." Archie smiled at me.
"You know, your sister asked me to talk to you." I told him, "She's worried especially since the video."
"What did she say?" He questioned.
"That she thinks the reason you are acting this way is because you watched me die." I told him.
"What do you remember from when you got shot?" He asked.
"A sharp pain in my stomach and hitting the floor, the next thing I knew I woke up in a hospital type room with Hydra flags on the wall with an I-V full of Super Soldier serum." I told him. "But I am not an excuse in this situation, yes, I know he killed Grundy but it is not a good idea for you to say it was from the Southside when you don't know for sure. For all we know he could live in Greendale or he's actually a northsider."
"Are you just saying that because you are a Serpent by blood?" He questioned.
"That is not the reason at all, Archie. I am saying this because you sister is worried that you are going to go out there and get killed." I told him, "And if Cat is, I cannot imagine what your dad is feeling."
"What am I supposed to do, Tally? Sit back while there is a killer on the loose and the Police aren't doing anything?" He questioned.
"Fun Fact, Red: The Police aren't the only ones working on this, so are the Avengers, they are just more lowkey about it." I told them. "Look, I can't tell you what to do but I can tell you that you should think about you family before making a big decision like that."
"You mean just like you did?" He questioned.
"What I did was so no one I cared about got killed because Hydra threatened my best friend and if they didn't get me they would have started killing and it would have been a bloodbath. Just think before you act." I told him then walking to class. During lunch I received a text from Sweet Pea.
Sunflower Boi: Do you want to go on a date with me tonight?
Me: Where to, Sunflower?
Sunflower Boi: Pop's? I'll pick you up at 7?
Me: Sure, I'll see you tonight.
"Why are you smiling?" Jade asked.
"I'm going on a date tonight." I told her.
"It's about time you and Sweet Pea go out on a date." She told me, "I'm coming over tonight to help you get ready." Then she started texting and I looked over her shoulder, "Do you have a group chat called 'Swalia'?" I asked seeing the group chat name.
"Maybe..." She answered.
"What does it even mean?" I questioned.
"It's your ship name with Sweet Pea." Oh dear god.
"Who's all in the chat?" I asked.
"Let's see.... Beck, Toni, Fangs, MJ, Ned, Peter, Kevin, Wanda, Pietro, Natasha, Bucky, and me." She told me.
"How the hell did you get Bucky into a groupchat?" I asked, in shock.
"Natasha walked him through it." Jade answered. Then I messaged Sunflower.

Me: Did you know that our friends have a group chat about our relationship?
Sunflower Boi: what
Me: Yeah, they have a group chat titled: 'Swalia'
Sunflower Boi: wtf. Whose all in it?
Me: Beck, Toni, Fangs, MJ, Ned, Peter, Kevin, Wanda, Pietro, Natasha, Bucky, and Jade. Lowkey wanna hack it and see what they say.
Sunflower Boi: I wanna see what they say too. Pop's to go? We can go to my trailer and u can hack them?
Me: That sounds awesome. The hack won't take long, it's never hard to hack into group chats.
Sunflower Boi: You scare me sometimes
Me: I scare most people
Sunflower Boi: That's kind of a mood.
Me: definitely. I'll see you tonight.
I was kinda excited. My last date was with Reggie the fuckboi but I had a good feeling about this. Jade and Kevin came home with me to help me get ready.

Sweet Pea's POV
I wasn't going to lie, I was nervous. Fangs was here trying to calm my nerves. "Should I get her flowers?" I asked.
"If you do don't get her roses she is severely allergic." Fangs told me. "Dude, you need to calm down. Don't think of her as Thalia fucking Stark, daughter of Iron Man, genius, probably a soon to be Avenger, or a victim. Think of her as Lia, I'm sure she will enjoy not being pressured by society for one night."
"When the fuck did you become so wise?" I asked my best friend.
"Have you as a best friend." He chuckled, "What are you guys even doing for the date anyway?"
"Get Pop's bring it here and watch Horror movies." I half lied. She was going to hack their group chat and read ALL the messages.
"Tally likes you, a lot. She'll probably love anything you guys do." He told me. "And before you become insecure because you are my best friend and I know you, from the time we've known her, she won't care, she's more about the thought and MJ confirmed it."
"Honestly, I am more afraid of her dad." I admitted.
"Dude, I wouldn't worry about her dad, I would worry about her. I mean she did take down multiple avengers like it was nothing. Just don't hurt her and you'll be fine." Fangs shrugged. "If you two end up dating, you two will probably be the most badass couple in Riverdale."
"I don't know, Fangs... It seems too good to be true." I admitted, having doubts.

Thalia's POV
"I don't know. Does this look like I'm trying too hard? All we are doing is getting take out from Pop's and having a horror movie marathon." I kinda lied, right now I was wearing my black skinny jeans, an AC/DC t-shirt that my dad got for me, my leather jacket and my heels.
"Tally, you look great. Very biker chic." Kev told me.
"I don't want to look like I tried too hard." I sighed.
"Do you know how many times you've worn that outfit, just since I've known you?" Jade asked.
"No, how many times?" I asked.
"You wear it at least once a week if not more." Kev quickly answered. "So, this Sweet Pea, is he hot?"
"Very." I sighed.
"Does Malachai know that you are going on a date with him?" Jade asked.
"He knows I really like Sweet Pea but no and it's none of his business. He's my ex and he cheated on me, even though it was for a good reason." I sighed.
"Wait... what did I miss?" Kev asked and I explained it to him. "So wait... Malachai only cheated on you because Hydra threatened his little sister? You have on fucked up life."
"Trust me, I know." I agreed. "So is this okay?"
"Personally, knowing you, I would say that you look like you don't care so Jade's going to do your makeup and hair." Kev told me.
"I was just to put my hair up in a ponytail because I don't know if we are taking his bike or not." I told them.
"That makes sense." Jade shrugged. I finished getting ready while we talked then Sweet Pea texted me that he was outside at exactly 7.
Sunflower: I'm outside
Me: Okay, I'll be right out.
"He's here." I said nervously.
"You'll be fine. Go get em' Tally." Kev told me as I walked out of my room and went downstairs.
"Why isn't he coming in?" Nat asked as she watched the camera that was placed outside.
"I don't know." My Dad said.
"Because I told him not to. He's already met you guys but I'd rather have you not scare him off." I told them, "Unlike Reggie, I actually like him. So, I am going to go before he thinks I'm bailing."
"Be home by 11!" Dad yelled as I walked out the front door.
"Have fun!" Nat told me.
"But not too much fun!" My dad finished Nat's sentence. I chuckled and walked to Sweet Pea, leaning on Fangs's truck.
"Hey Sunflower." I smiled at him.
"Hey Lia." He smiled back, "I borrowed Fangs's truck since we're picking up food."
"Makes sense." I shrugged going over to the Passenger's side and getting in as Sunflower got into the Driver's side.

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