Chapter Eighty-Seven: Now What?

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*No Insta post due to intense chapter*

Happy Birthday, Lili Reinheart! In celebration here's a free update.


To the story..................


"Oh, gosh. No, not you. You are featured players. The sons and daughters of the original Midnight Club." She smiled at us all.

"Jug, what's happening?" Betty asked her boyfriend.

"I've almost figured it out." He told her while he looked at Penelope Blossom.

"Oh, have you? Because if anybody could, it would be you, Mr. Jones. But first, three more guests. I believe you know them already." She smiled as she rang her little bell. The first person to come into the room was the Black Hood, Betty's Father, Hal Cooper. A tension filled the room and anxiety spiked as he was dressed in his Black Hood attire. Then the Gargoyle king. Then finally my mother walked through the door. "What have I told you? No masks at the dinner table. Take them off." The Black Hood took off his mask confirming it was Hal Copper. "Wait, King, before you do... Hellcaster. Care to take a stab?"


"It's just a fight. I've been fighting all year. Don't forget, I survived a real bear attack, remember? If I don't make it, tell my mom and dad I love them. And you guys." He said, taking his jacket, vest and bowtie off as he ran towards the guy just to get punched in the gut. While Archie is down from the punch to the gut the guy he is fighting kicks him a few times. Archie gets up and gets a few punches to the guy'd stomach but he seems unphased by it. Archie was getting his ass kicked. Eventually, Archie got the upper hand and was able to give the guy an uppercut, putting the guy on his ass. Then grabbing one of the many bones that were laying around and smacking him with it, repeatedly. Archie had won.


"Remarkable, Enchantress. You've completed your challenge, and proven your loyalty." Penelope said, coming out of the woods. We were all confused.

"Of course. It was a character challenge. The game was testing if you had honor and loyalty. None of the chalices were poisoned." Jughead told us.

"On the contrary, all of the chalices were poisoned. It's slow-acting, but the only way to obtain the antidote is to finish the game, and even then, you might not make it. Tick tock." She told us. Then we ran back into the woods.


We were walking, and we came upon the next card. "You're turn, Tally." Ronnie told me, seeing the Assassin card. I took the scroll in my hands, but I knew what this was without it.

"'Battle of Blood. Only one may come out of this fight alive. You may not use your powers.'" I read. "I'll be fighting my mother." I threw the scroll to the ground and took a deep breath.

"You don't have to do this, Tally." Ronnie told me.

"Yes, I do, Ronnie. She's the reason my sister is dead. This fight was a long time coming." I told her. "I just wish I didn't have to fight in a dress." I looked past the trees and saw my mother just sitting there waiting for me, messing with a knife.

"Be careful." Jughead told me, "Sweet Pea would kill me if something happened to you."

"If I don't make it out, tell him, I love him and you better honor that promise." I told him before walking into the circle.

"I will, I promise." He said. I looked to my mother who looked up at me.

"It's about time you showed up." She smirked at me.

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