Chapter Twenty-Four: A Locket and A Cheat

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(No insta post. Basically if it is a serious chapter there won't be a post.)


"Here." She said handing me her phone. "Kev had to use the restroom and took them." They were photos of my boyfriend kissing some chick. There were multiple photos and it looked like he didn't even try to push away.

"What the actual fuck!?" I said pissed.


"That is exactly what I said." She told me, equally pissed.

"Send these to me." I requested, handing her phone back. I was pissed. This is why I have trust issues. "I'll deal with it after I drop everyone off." We went back to the booth and apparently Ronnie's card was reported stolen which I was used to whenever her and her mom got into a fight, Ronnie would drag me clubbing with her and Heromine would report the card stolen but she always withdrawn a good amount of cash to cover everything. She paid and I dropped everyone off except for Reggie.

Me: I am coming over. We need to talk.

Mal:Everything okay?


After I messaged Mal, I messaged Steve.

Me: Will be late. Something came up that can't wait until morning.

Steve: What happened?

Me: A friend needs help.

Steve: Okay, just be home as soon as you can be.

Me: Yes, sir.

I drove to the south side and parked in the Ghoulies garage. I stormed in and he was sitting on the couch surrounded by Ghoulies. "Lily flower, what's wrong?" He asked me.

"I thought I could fucking trust you but then you do this." I said tossing my phone on the couch opened to the pictures Jade sent me.

"Ghoulies, out." Mal demanded and everyone scurried out. "Babe, it is not what it looks like."

"Then what the fuck is it supposed to look like? In the photos that were taken you didn't try to push the blonde headed bimbo off you or do I have to remind you that you have a girlfriend or well at least had. You knew me better than literally anyone. I trusted you, hell, I may have even loved you but I guess that was my mistake." I yelled at him.

"Tally. I am still a gang leader." He told me.

"Just because you are a gang leader doesn't mean you can kiss some whore that isn't your girlfriend." I told him.  "You knew I have trust issues, being a gang leader isn't an excuse."

"Fine, if you are so pissed then leave and never come back." He told me. Was something going on? He wouldn't respond like that. 

"Entonces me iré. Que tengas una buena vida, puta sucia." I told him. (Then I'll leave. Have a good life you dirty mouthed whore.) Then I left I drove out of the Southside, refusing to look back. I was a mix between heartbroken and pissed. He ruined a good thing. I had slowly started to fall in love with him, if I wasn't in love already. When I got home I went straight to my room. Where I found a small package on my bed, addressed to me and from an address in New York. I was confused to say the least. I put my ear to it and it wasn't ticking so I opened the package as tears ran down my face. I wiped my face and took the piece of paper from the package.

Thalia Lillian Stark,

I hope you know we miss you here. Eight years is such a long time before seeing someone again. Can't wait to see you soon.

-Ten Rings

I froze. My hands began to tremble as I set everything on my bed. My tears stopped because of the shock. I felt my stomach flip so I ran to the bathroom and I threw up. "FRIDAY do not call anyone."

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