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Eight Months Later..................

High School Graduation...........

Tally's POV...........................

"I know some of us didn't think it wouldn't take 23 years to get on this stage, to where we are right now. We made it through a lot. Through gang wars, murders, Hydra, even normal teen drama but when I think about my past and something Peggy Carter once said to me when I was very young comes back to me, 'The world has changed and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes, the best that we can do, is to start over.'" I began saying my valeotoricon speech to my class, "Thinking back, I always wonder how many times she said that in her lifetime." I continued my speech, talking about moving on from High school and onto something new. About how there is a whole world out there to explore, it's time to explore it.

After I did my speech we received our diplomas and we were all happy to finally be leaving this place. I was going to MIT. Sweet Pea got a full basketball scholarship for the local Riverdale community college. We were going to be in different states with almost a four hour difference. We reassured each other we'd be able to keep our relationship strong despite the long distance but this summer was probably the best of my life and I'll tell you why.

At the end of the summer my dad, Pep, Morgan, Sweet Pea and I stayed at the lake house. Over this time Morgan and I have become best friends. Yeah, she's a little annoying but aren't all sisters? She's taken a liking to Sweet Pea though, I think she's trying to steal my boyfriend and she's not even five yet. When my dad found out you could just see the dread in his eyes. He was officially not looking forward to Morgan's teen years but that's not the reason this is the best summer of my life, well, so far anyway.

It was the day before I left for MIT, I had just got done packing, no doubt forgot something, Sweet Pea and I were out by the lake, sitting on the dock, my head on his shoulder. "You know I love you, right?" Sweet Pea said.

"Of course, I do Sunflower. I love you too. Is everything okay?" I looked at him concerned.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I'm just making sure you know it. We've never really been apart like this before." He sighed.

"The only times we've been apart was when I was kidnapped and that is nothing like this," I told him. "But we will make it work, we always do."

"I know but I don't know what kind of guys are going to be there." He told me.

"Nerds, Guys like my dad, misogynists that think I can't do it until I prove them wrong, and then women like me." I summed up.

"So people who are going to think they have a shot with you?" He questioned.

"Is that what you're worried about?" I asked and I watched him sigh. "No one is going to hurt me like Nick St. Dickbag did ever again. Even if I have to get into a fight to stop it."

"I know," He sighed once again. Reaching into his leather jacket's pocket, pulling out a little felt covered box. "I know you said we would wait till after college to get married and I stand by that but you never said anything about getting engaged." He opened the box and it was a simple, elegant ring, "Thalia Lillian Stark, will you marry me?" I was in shock but in happy tears.

"Yes, Sweet Pea, of course." I smiled at him, then kissing him. He then took the ring out of the box and moved it to my finger.

"This was my grandmother's ring, on my mom's side. She gave it to me before she passed away and said 'give it to the girl you love'. So here it is, on you." He told me. "I did ask your dad just out of respect and he wasn't thrilled about it but I told him we wouldn't be getting married right away. We'd be waiting till after college an-" He rambled and I shut him up with a kiss.

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