Chapter Seventy: This Needed To Be Addressed

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*No Instagram post*

Warning: There are some controversial topics in this chapter.


"Not at all but Ronnie, your dad wanted me in jail." I told my cousin. "And with your permission, I would love to take him down, with everyone's help of course. This could also get Archie out of jail."

"I'm in. My father needs to be stopped." Ronnie agreed, "Before anyone else gets hurt."

"And this won't be local, we are going to take this to the highest rank of court anyone can be tried on, so he doesn't slip through the cracks and pull strings to get out." I told them, "It could be dangerous and we could piss off a lot of dangerous people." I warned.

"You can't talk me out of this, cousin. Cause if we go down, taking my father down, we go down together." She smirked.

"I'm in." Cat said, "If I can get my brother out of prison, you should sure as hell know that I am going to do whatever it takes."

"You know, I will always be there for you, Lia, and this time is no different." Sweet Pea agreed, "I'm in."

"Me too." Reggie nodded.

"You really think I'm going to let you do this alone?" Jade smiled at me.

"Archie doesn't belong in prison and it just shows how much pull Hiram Lodge has here in Riverdale that that video got thrown out." Betty began, "You sure as hell know I am in."

"I'm not going to let my best friend rot in a prison cell." Jughead said, "I'm in." Everyone else who was there also agreed and we agree that we would live our normal lives, like nothing was wrong, until we got our first piece of evidence and we would all meet at my house because the Avengers were in on it too. It would be our biggest secret.


It was the same day when I heard about Diltion Doiley killing himself. Jughead had filled me in on all the gory details and I heard about the Farm from Betty and promised her I would look into them for her. Today would also be marked as the day Sweet Pea and I decide what to do with our relationship.

We talked in the music room, as most drama in Riverdale High happened there. "So, what happened to dying?" Sweet Pea asked me.

"I've decided to stick my middle finger up to that Norse prophecy and live a normal life if it comes and if it does come and I do die, well, it is what it is and at least I'll be saving billions of lives in the process." I shrugged.

"Look, Lia. I don't care about a Norse prophecy. I just want you back in my life. I realise I fucked up by not telling you what was going on but I regret it so fucking much, you don't even know." He told me.

"I think I do know, Pea. I want you back in mine too but I need you to earn my trust back." I told him.

"I know I betrayed you and I wish I could change how it went but I can't and I really wish that I could." He admitted.

"Look Sweet Pea, it didn't just hurt me because you cheated, it hurt because you made me question myself. When I got that photo, I asked myself a question I never thought I would ask myself and I haven't been able to get it out of my head since." I told him, on the verge of tears just thinking of it.

"What did I make you question?" He asked softly.

"Sweet Pea, the girl you kissed was blonde and white." I began and realization hit him like a bus.

"Oh shit. Tally, I am so sorry for making you question that." He apologized.

"You made me question my race, no one has ever made me do that." I told him. "I am used to being Thalia Stark. Too white to be Latina but too Latina to be white and I realized a long time ago, especially with me, they see what race they want to see. They don't see that I'm mixed."

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