Chapter Thirty-Eight: Sunflower Gets His Slurpee

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Liked by Thalia_Stark, gothqueen, pete

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Liked by Thalia_Stark, gothqueen, pete.park and 58272 others. I am so happy my favorite bitch is home and safe. @Thalia_Stark. Love you best friend❤

@Thalia_Stark: I love you too my favorite slut.❤

⬆ Now don't pull a fucking stunt like that again or I'll kick your ass.

⬆@Thalia_Stark: dully noted.

⬆ it better be more than dully fucking noted.

⬆@Thalia_Stark: yes ma'am

@pete.park: that height diffrence tho

⬆@Thalia_Stark: I am only 5 inches shorter. Plus we were both wearing heels.

⬆ sure you are shorty😉

⬆@Thalia_Stark: Fuck you❤

⬆ I love you too❤

⬆ this is the quality content I live for.

@queentopaz: Queens👑😍

⬆ us queen gotta stick together. @queentopaz @Thalia_Stark @gothqueen

⬆@queentopaz: yes!

⬆ Ok, now I high key want squad pics.

⬆ what about pete and I?

⬆ oh, I guess you can come too. @pete.park

⬆@kingpea: what about us? @Thalia_Stark @queentopaz @gothqueen @VampireFangs @beckeroni

⬆@Thalia_Stark: I don't see why not but has to be there too

⬆@gothqueen: obviously

⬆@deadpool: rude, what about me?

⬆@Thalia_Stark: you are not in Riverdale rn.

⬆@deadpool: bish I can be there in an hour.

To the story.....

We headed over to my house in two cars. Jade and Beck rode in his car, the rest of us rode in my car. "Are you sure your dad is okay with this?" Sweet Pea asked for the millionth time.
"Yes, Sunflower, he told me he would be a hypocrite if he didn't." I sighed, explaining it for the millionth time.
"Don't mind him, Tals, he's just afraid that if the Avenger catch on to your guys sexual tension that he may be killed by the World's Mightiest Heroes." Fangs explained.
"I'm pretty sure they caught on at the hospital." Toni said, very stoned, "Are we to the Slurpees yet?"
"Not, yet T, but soon." Fangs told her. "For now, have some Skittles."
"Fangs... Why do you have Skittles in you jacket?" I asked.
"I love Skittles." He answered.
"Okay, that's a mood." I chuckled as I pulled into the garage with Beck's car right behind me.
"Lia... Is that... a 1967 Chevy Impala?" Sweet Pea asked as he got of the car, looking like he was in heaven. Fangs got Toni out of the car and I got out as well before answering.
"Yep, my Dad and I have been working on it for a while. You think this is awesome, you should the secret room behind my tool boxes, it's where my dad stores his Iron Man suits." I smiled at my friends.
"Welcome home, Ms. Stark." FRIDAY said out loud.
"FRIDAY we've talked about this." I sighed talking to the AI and everyone but Jade gave me a weird glance.
"Welcome home, Tally." FRIDAY corrected. "Welcome back, Ms. Keller."
"Friends meet FRIDAY, The second best AI in the world." I smiled.
"Rude." FRIDAY said.
"I'm sorry, FRIDAY. I grew up with JARVIS, at least you come before Vision though." I laughed.
"I better, Vision doesn't wake you up in the morning." FRIDAY sassed.
"And the sassiest AI in the world." I smiled.
"Holy shit did we just travel through a time machine, into the future?" Toni asked.
"Nope, you're just in my garage." I chuckled at the sight of my friend, high of her ass.
"Tally!" I heard Peter says as he walked into the garage with concern in his eyes.
"Hey, Petey. What's wrong?" I asked concerned.
"We have a movie night, code red." He told me.
"Who's Thor fighting over the movie now?" I sighed.
"Nat. Thor wants to watch Tangled but Nat wants to watch the Conjuring and you might wanna hurry, it's getting pretty intense." He told me.
"For fucks sake, they do this every time." I sighed. "Come on guys, it's time for you to finally meet the Avengers while I settle an argument." We all then walked up stairs to the theater room and I came in to Nat having Thor in a choke hold. "Nat! No fighting in the Theater room, now let Thor go." I ordered.
"Then tell him to stop making us watch Tangled EVERY SINGLE movie night. All I want to do it watch the Conjuring but no! We have to watch Lettuce and Flynn Rider fall in love. " Nat hissed, mainly towards Thor.
"Nat, remember what happened last time you made Thor watch the Conjuring?" I asked her.
"He had nightmares for a week?" Nat sighed,
"Yes, he did." I told her as she let Thor go, "Now how about we don't watch Tangled or The Conjuring and how about we binge The Rocky movies?" I suggested.
"What about Star Wars?" Peter suggested.
"Jurassic Park?" Dad suggested.
"Disney movie marathon?" Thor suggested.
"Fight Club?" Nat suggested.
"Tim Burton movie marathon?" Wanda suggested.
"Men In Black movie marathon?" Sweet Pea suggested.
"Back To the Future?" Rhodey suggested.
"Indiana Jones?" Bucky suggested and we all looked at him surprised he knows what that is, "What? It's on my list of things to watch."
"Terminator?" Sam suggested.
"Board games?" Cap suggested.
"Well, it looks like we are at a draw." I smirked.
"Tally, what does that mean?" Sunflower asked.
"Well, Sunflower, we have rules of movie night. If we are at a draw like we are we spar and the winner gets their movie, kinda like, a tournament bracket but since you didn't know about this rule you don't have to do it." I told him, "Because I win most of the time, and you wouldn't want to get your ass handed to you by a girl, now, would ya?" I chuckled.
"Wait, hold on. Tally vs Sweet Pea?" Fangs began, "That is something I have to see."
"Then I guess the first match is The Rocky movies vs The Men In Black Movies. If you are up to the challenge, of course Sweet Pea." Peter smirked.
"Fine, I'll do it." He smirked at me.
"Awesome, everyone to the training room! I call dibs on writing on the white board!" MJ said.
"Okay, everyone time to place your bets." Hawkeye said.
"Bets?" Sunflower questioned.
"Yup." I chuckled, "Don't worry too much about it Sunflower, I'll take it easy on you, but no brass knuckles, that would be cheating and I would immediately win. Now come on, to the training room!" I then walked away, Fangs, Beck, Jade, Toni, MJ, Peter, and Ned behind me.
"Tals, you sure about this? You just got out of that Hydra base literally yesterday." Jade questioned.
"J, I have been training everyday for a month. I will be fine." I sighed, "And don't worry I'll take it easy on him."

Tony's POV
I saw Tally interact with this Sweet Pea guy at the hospital and I didn't like it. To see them interact together was frustrating. After Tally left I went up to him, "You'll do fine." I told him.
"Really?" He questioned.
"Nope. She's gonna break you like a twig." I told him honestly.
"Well, especially not dressed like that." Cap intervened.
"You bet on him winning, didn't you?" I asked.
"He bet $10 on Sweet Pea." Hawkeye confirmed.
"Why? We all know Tally's gonna win. Hell, she pinned you in less than a minute when she didn't have super soldier strength." I told him.
"Maybe this is a bad idea." Pietro sighed, "I would love to see Tally kick this guy's ass but what if she doesn't have control of her strength yet or her powers?"
"That's a good point." Bruce agreed, "We don't know what she's capable of."
"Yeah but it's obvious that Tally likes him, I doubt she would hurt him." Cap said, and it made sense.
"Speaking of my daughter liking you, we are going to have a talk when this is all over." I told the guy my daughter refers to as 'Sunflower'. I watched as his face paled, obviously kinda scared.
"I'll join in on that talk." Cap told me and the boy paled even more.
"If you are afraid of us, oh your fucked." I smiled at him. "Tally is intense, like very intense. I love my daughter more anything but she has been through some shit, mainly because the author wrote her like that."
"What author?" Sweet Pea asked.
"Nevermind." I shrugged. "But I agree with Cap, she likes you too much to hurt you. Probably, at the very least, she'll flip you over her shoulder but who knows what she learned with Hydra."
"How is she going to flip me over her shoulder? I am eight inches taller than her?" He questioned.
"She's always been strong." Cap shrugged, standing up. Wait a this kid taller than Captain America? OH MY THOR HE IS. I loki love this kid but hate that he likes my daughter.

Tally's POV
"Don't hurt Sweet Pea." Beck told me.
"I won't. I'll just flip him over my shoulder." I shrugged, "Our rules for sparring is the first one pinned to the ground for five seconds wins."
"How are you going to flip him over your shoulder? He's like a foot taller than you." Toni questioned.
"It's more about strength than height." I told them.
"I'm sure it is." Toni said, suggestively.
"Can we not talk about that right now?" I requested.
"Only if you tell us who your ex is." Toni smiled mischievously.
"Yeah, no. I'd rather slam my tongue in a car door then say his name." I told them.
"Do you know?" Toni asked Jade, MJ, Ned and Peter.
"I'm sworn to secrecy." Jade answered.
"Wait, you had a boyfriend?" Ned asked.
"Maybe... A lot of shit has happened and it slipped my mind to tell you guys." I told them. "Plus I busy with PROJECT INTERMISSION and our relationship didn't last long because Hydra made him cheat on me otherwise they were gonna hurt his little sister, it wasn't good." I kinda rambled.
"So wait... All that drama was because of Hydra?" Jade questioned.
"Pretty much." I sighed. Then everyone else came into the training room.
"Who's ready for the movie night fights?" Pietro smirked at Sweet Pea.
"Let's go over the rules." Wanda began, "To win you must have you opponent pinned for five seconds. No powers if you use powers you are automatically disqualified and so is your movie choice and those are the only rules. Thalia Stark and Sweet Pea to the mat."

I suck at writing fight scenes so, after fight time skip...

It wasn't hard to win against Sweet Pea, his fighting formation sucks, it is just really bad. I ended up winning like usual, my friends were shocked how I fought and I think they were amazed, watching select Avengers and I fight. So we went back to the theater room to watch The Rocky movies and Sweet Pea finally got his slurpee. The night was great, at some point Sweet Pea put his arm around me but I didn't mind it.

Tony's POV... After the movie... In Tony's office
"So, Sweet Pea... What your intentions with my daughter?" I asked.
"Umm... What do you mean?" He questioned.
"Do you want to be in a serious relationship with my daughter or are you just a fuckboi?" I asked.
"I want a serious relationship with Lia." He told me.
"She lets you call her Lia?" I questioned. "I tried calling her that before and she told me not to call her that. She really does like you. If you hurt her I will bring the wrath of Loki down on you."
"So do I have your blessing to date her?" He asked.
"Not really but she doesn't care what I say about it, she'll date who she wants to date whether I like it or not she's always been like that." I admitted, "I'm just telling you now, if she does decide to go out with you, you need to be careful. Not of her, she would never hurt someone she cares about but Tally is wanted by Hydra and there are probably a million more people that don't like her and you may get threatened." It was probably midnight before everybody left but Jade and Toni stayed the night, including Peter, Ned, MJ and Tally. I was in my office going over designs for a new suit idea when Tally came in by herself and sat down in a chair in front of my desk.
"Dad, can we talk?" She asked, I was wondering what it was about, if it was about the fact that she was raped by Nick St. Clair, which I am going to wait for her to bring it up to say or do anything, that she really takes sleeping pills, or that he ex is the leader of the Ghoulies and genuinely loved her.
"Yeah, of course, sweetheart. What's up?" I asked, worried.
"I don't think Hydra is done with me and I'm terrified." She told me.
"I have the same thought." I admitted.
"I wanted you opinion on an idea." She sighed. "When we know, for a fact, that Hydra is after me again I want an escape plan, so that Hydra can't find me."
"Honestly, I am happy that you came to me and I think it is a good idea. We should bring Nick and Phil into this." I told her.

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