Chapter Eighty-Six: Dinner Party From Hell

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*No Instapost due to intense chapter*

I finished writing Avenging Riverdale yesterday. (Sept. 11 2020) Don't fret. You guys still have many week before you read that chapter.

To the story........................


"How did you learn to block attacks like that because I know I didn't teach you that?" Cap questioned.

"Believe it or not after I got back from my first time being kidnapped by Hydra I binge watched Avatar: The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra after I got my powers to see if I could find any tricks to help me with my powers." I admitted, "It's just an airbending move from Legend of Korra."

"Hey, whatever works, kiddo." My dad shrugged. Bruce set my broken nose back into place which hurt like hell but when he checked me over I didn't have any other broken bones. I may have a few deep bruises but they will heal quickly but until then, pain medication and rest doctor's orders but then my dad got a call from Nick Fury. My mother somehow escaped and we all know she wants me dead.


"What are we gonna do?" Rhodey asked out loud.

"We keep her here, where we can protect her the best." Cap suggested.

"No, we get her out of Riverdale-" Wanda began and I cut her off.

"'Her' would like a say about this." I told them, "I am tired of this. I am staying in Riverdale. I am sick of running. If she wants to come kill me, she can damn well try because I am sick of this cat and mouse game. Everything must come to an end." Then there was a ring at the front door.

"FRIDAY, who is it?" My dad asked the AI.

"Someone claiming they have a package for Tally." The A.I told us.

"At this time of night?" I questioned.

"Take this." Nat said, giving me her knife. I put it in my back pocket and answered the door.

"How can I help you?" I asked, opening the door.

"Are you Thalia Stank?" The old man asked, I noticed his shirt had his name on it. 'Stan Lee'

"It's Stark and yes, why?" I questioned.

"This is for you." He then handed me the black gift box with a red ribbon and a letter attached. Then he left. I closed the door and opened the letter.

To Thalia Stark,

The end is nigh. Tonight, your presence is requested at Thornhill to play the final round of Gryphons and Gargoyles and to save the Gryphon Queen.

Come unarmed and without cell phones. If you tell anyone Her Majesty and the others will suffer the consequences.

Yours, The Gargoyle King.

"Lia is everything okay?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Yeah, everything is fine. I just have to go. I'll be back soon." I told them. Then I went to the garage, bringing only the box and I left. When I pulled up to Thornhill I changed in my car and went into the house.

"Thalia, you're here." Penelope Blossom smiled at me.

"Tally? What are you doing here?" Ronnie questioned.

"I got a letter and a box." I told her as I sat down next to her. Soon after I sat down Betty came from upstairs.

"Guys?" She questioned, surprised to see us.

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