Chapter Fifty-Eight: We Need To Play A Different Game

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*no instagram post for this part*

When I walked into school Veronica was the first one to find me. “Tals, can we talk?” Veronica asked me.

“Sure.” I answered, coldly before she dragged me into the music room. “What do you want?” 

“There’s no reason to be so cold, Tally.” She sighed. “First, I wanted to apologize. I didn’t realize that asking the Serpents to work security was making things worse. I just heard that the Serpents needed jobs so I made jobs, I didn’t realize the harm I caused.”

“You shouldn’t apologize to me, Veronica. You should apologize to the Serpents. It was a shit move on your part but if you don’t have the balls to apologize to them stop SoDale from taking their homes. If anyone has a voice in this, you do.” I told her, honestly.

“So I guess you don’t accept my apology, huh?” She said kinda shyly.

“Okay, what’s this really about?” I asked, knowing she had different motives towards this chat.

“Would you and your dad come to my confirmation?” She asked, “I saved you, Tony and your mother a spot in a pew.” 

“You invited my mother?” I asked, kinda offended.

“Well, I heard through the grapevine she’s alive so I invited her, for you and Daddy.” She answered.

“Veronica, I’m declining the invite. My mother only had me to become an assassin, a dangerous assassin with the code name that translates to: Spiller of Blood. Her whole relationship with my father was a lie, their marriage was fake. She never even loved me, Veronica. She’s not my mother. She was just the woman who gave birth to me. Pepper is my mother.” I told her. “For all I know I have a half sister who doesn’t even know about me.”

“Tally, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” She apologized as I stormed out of the room, not caring to listen. Toni caught me angrily walking towards the bathroom and followed me there. I stood in front of a mirror in the empty bathroom, staring into my own eyes. I didn’t realize the tears that were falling down my face. My life was a lie. I had spent my life hating my mother for leaving me because my father thought that was easier to tell me than the fact he thought she was dead and in the short time I thought she was dead, I loved and respected her but now, I’m numb. I don’t know what to feel. I hate her for leaving me, for only loving my dad to have me, to have an assassin. I was born to kill in her eyes. Was that all I am? A pawn in her game?

“Tals, you okay?” Toni asked as she walked into the bathroom. I continued to look in the mirror as she got closer to me. Then she noticed the tears running down my face. “Oh, Tally.” She said before embracing me in her arms. That’s when I really broke down in her arms. It’s when the realization set in and it hit me like a bus. My mother never wanted me as a daughter, she wanted me as a killer and it killed me. I was born to be a pawn in Hydra’s game of Chess. Well, it’s too bad for them that I’m not playing chess, I’m playing poker and I play one hell of a bluff. See, one thing my dad taught me was how to gamble, poker being his prefered method when playing with me and he always told me he could never tell when I was bluffing because I didn’t have a tell. I’ve played with Rhodey, Cap, and Sam and they all agree.

I let go of Toni and took a deep breath. “Tally, what’s going on?” She asked me.

“I realized I am nothing more than a pawn in my mother’s game of chess. Well, I knew it but the realization set in.” I admitted. I then explained to her that my mother was a Hydra Agent and she only had me to make an assassin. “Anyway, I have to go. I’m going to text Sweet Pea but if you see let him know I’m leaving for the day. I have some business I have to take care of.” Then I was off, I pretty much ran out of the school and hurried home to tell them my idea. I opened the door and I was lucky enough for them all to be in the middle of a meeting.

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