Chapter Ninety-Six: War Pigs

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So I've decided that the Infinity War and Endgame parts are NOT going to have Instagram posts because I think it would be weird. For them to be fighting and then hey look an Instagram post and I won't be calling the aliens by their real names because they don't say their names so Tally doesn't know their names. So yeah...

I also won't be covering all of their missions in the time heist, to save time and so it doesn't seem redundant because if your reading this book it probably means you like both Riverdale and Marvel so you've probaly have already seen Endgame and I don't need to spell it out.


To the Story................


"I got it. There's another way. To retake the Tesseract and acquire new particles. We'll stroll down memory lane. Military installation, Garden State." I told them, thinking about it.

"When were they both there?" He asked me.

"They were there at a– I've a vaguely exact idea." I shrugged.

"How vague?" He questioned.

"What are you talking about? Where are we going?" Scott asked.

"I know for a fact they were there–" I continued, ignoring Scott.

"Who's they? What are we doing?" Scott said, asking more questions.

"And I know how I know." I continued saying.

"Guys, what's up? What is it?" Scott asked more.

"Well, it looks like we're improvising." I told him.

"Right. What are we improvising?" He questioned.

"Scott, get this back to the compound." I told him as he was handed the scepter. "Suit up."

"What's in New Jersey?" He asked once more before Cap and I put in the date.

"Are you sure?" Steve asked me.

"Cap. Captain. Steve, sorry, America. Rogers. Look, if you do this, and this doesn't work, you're not coming back." Scott told us.

"Thanks for the pep talk, pissant." I told Scott before turning to Cap, "Do you trust me?"

"I do." He told me.

"Your call." I told him.

"Here we go." He confirmed and we went to 1970.



Tony's POV..........

"Hey, man! Make love, not war!" An old hippie said, driving past us.

"Clearly, you weren't actually born here, right?" I asked him.

"The idea of me was." He told me.

"Right. Well, imagine you're SHIELD, running a quasi-fascistic intelligence organization. Where do you hide it?" I asked him.

"In plain sight." Steve said, looking at a weapons bunker. We got into the bunker and got on an elevator with a lady.

"Good luck on your mission, Captain." I told Cap.

"Good luck on your project, doctor." Steve replied. I made my way to what seems to be a lab storage facility where they kept the Tesseract. I grabbed a briefcase and used the glove of the Iron Man suit to force the box that held the Tesseract open. I put it in the briefcase just in time for someone to come into the facility.

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