Chapter 1

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My name is Eivanna Jade Torres; according to my parents, I was never meant to be born. One, I SHOULD have been a boy. Two, NOBODY will ever love me. From the very second I came out I was hated and I still don't know why. If my parents hated me so much they could've given me up and had more kids but no, I'm the only child. Although someone took care of me until I was 5; my punishment started then. The old Alpha made me the Omega.

When I said I was hated, it meant by everyone. I have no friends. No one showed me kindness. I get abused by everybody in the pack. I don't even go to school, but I have some knowledge though. School-wise because some of the pack members make me do their homework. I'm smart in other departments because I'm smart enough to read.

Being an Omega of my 'wonderful' pack, I know pain that's worse than being burned by silver. Actually, I've came in contact with silver. I sleep in a room surrounded by it. If they are trying to weaken me, for some reason, it's not working. At least not with silver or a mate rejection.

Yeah, I found my mate. He's the Alpha now. I remember when he rejected me like it was yesterday.

He came home from school early. I knew because school didn't end until 3:20 and by then I'm finishing lunch and/or snacks. I was still in the kitchen cleaning, meaning it was early.

Anyway, as I was scrubbing the floors in the kitchen I heard the door open and close. Although I didn't hear any foot steps I didn't bother to turn around and look up. I needed to get the floors done before everybody got off of school or work. The only people here are the old Alpha, Beta, third in command, and some aged pack fighters.

I was still cleaning as that person stood there. "Where is my father?" The choked voice, belonging to none other than him, asked.

"In the den sir. He's with his men smoking the imported cigars from Spain." I know he didn't ask for all that, but the first time I had news for him, he wasn't happy that I didn't finish it immediately. He said the next time his ask a question or for information that it better all come out instantly or my face will be bleeding.

When I finally heard feet moving I didn't expect them to walk up beside me. He bent down and yanked me up quite hard. I thought my arm would break at first, but then I started focusing on something else. I was focusing on the things I didn't want to be there. I was very confused as to why I was feeling them. I didn't want to feel them, especially not with him. Not with anyone actually.

I know the signs of a mate and I know the tingles, that feel like electricity, go along with it. Then his scent really hit me. I tried not to breath it in. I didn't want to be feeling or smelling anything around him. I didn't want a mate and I definitely didn't want anybody from this pack to be my mate if I was blessed with one. The idea of mates, even second chance mates is dead to me, foreign.

He dragged me out the back door. Letting go of my arm, he swung his right hand toward my face. I didn't expect it. My face moved to the right and I felt a slight sting on my right cheek. It honestly didn't hurt, nothing did anymore.

His voice brought me back to the situation at hand, "I, Damian Albert Jones, Alpha of the Blood Jay pack, reject you, Eivanna Jade Torres, Omega of the Blood Jay pack." I didn't have to look up to know he had a smirk on his face.

I just turned my head back and said honestly. "I, Eivanna Jade Torres, Omega of the Blood Jay pack, accept your rejection Alpha of the Blood Jay pack, Damian Albert Jones. Thank you for your rejection Alpha, I will not tell a soul." Then I turned, walked into the house and kitchen, and continued cleaning.

And that was the day I got rejected and accepted it. I was more focused on the floors than the actual rejection that day. Honestly, I was thankful, ecstatic, he rejected me. I didn't even cry over it.

Sadly, though, the pain intensified after that day. Although it got worse on my birthday first. But yet, that still wasn't the most painful. The most painful was when I actually shifted. It was the last time I cried. I was suppose to shift on my 16th birthday, but I transformed five months beforehand. So I was still 15 when I changed. Since everybody was on the annual vacation, I was the only one at home. Every year they go while I stay and watch over the land and houses. Anyway, I shifted right in the living room and all I did was cry and roll around in pain.

I didn't even roll in pain when Damian mated to the Alpha female Ariel. Yeah, he mated with someone else and got her pregnant. Too bad the baby will make a weak Alpha.

Yes, I've lived through a rejection, mating, and transformation. Oh and I know what you're thinking, "They left a helpless 15 year old on her own to protect the land and to shift alone."

Honestly, I did a good job protecting the land. I ran in human and wolf form all the time. I was not only strengthening her but myself. I was even making sure my mind and brain was as strong as my body. I studied and learned so much during two months for the past several years. Anyway, I protected the land, even when I spotted rogues and dealt with him or her. Some I may have had to kill, while others went their separate ways. No one found out so no harm done.

Even to this day nobody knows. Not one person in the pack knows I've already shifted. My wolf didn't have to tell me what to do on my birthday. I acted like I was defected. It lead to them doubling the abuse, but I didn't care.

I figured out what they were doing. They wanted me to run away or kill myself. They didn't want me to be strong. Well, I was tough all on my own. It was, at this moment, a secret.

I am strong though. I am actually the strongest one in the pack, they just don't know it though. I'm good at keeping secrets.

At 18, I'm still here and I'm still their Omega. I guess you can say I'm waiting for something. I'm waiting for a second chance. My second chance at everything. I don't know how it's coming but I know, it will come. Even if I die, that will be considered my second chance. Anything will be better than this.

Actually, taking care of the pack doesn't bother me. The abuse doesn't phase me. But my second chance is going to be better than this. I know it.

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