20-A camera roll

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They saw Luna entering the room...

"What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?! We are domed", Bethany said.

"Maybe not", Rose said while putting her ear on the door.

"I think she went to the bathroom, let's peak and sit in the kitchen and discuss it, "Rose added.

They opened the door and looked around, they didn't see Luna and went to the kitchen and they thought of making a plan to help Luna.

Rose took the note where Bethany has written what they have said. She read it and was thinking about pure evidence to show.

She knew that Luna did this just to be with Asher and they knew Asher was messing with her.

They were totally clueless.

Then Rose said "We need evidence to show that teacher Steve is doing such things with the students.
The evidence should be clear or else no one is gonna believe us he is the best teacher out there"

"This gonna be tricky, but this is the time we make sure that others understand the truth but how can we prove it? What should we do? Are we capable of this?" Bethany said.
"I am not sure," Rose said thinking.
"Brainwork, work hard, think of something useful," Bethany thought.

"Wait! wait I think I got an idea principal Tiffany asked me and some of the school interviewer if we could interview some teachers and she has already given us a list of teachers for us to interview.

I got teacher Emma, Maria, and John but I can ask Anna if we could exchange our teachers!" said Rose with excitement.

"Well that was a good idea but how can we get the evidence from it," Bethany questioned.

"Good question, I will tell him to go to his office for the interview and once we reach there I will say to him that the room will not be good for the interview and I will ask him to come outside for it,"Rose answered.

"Okay but what can we get from it?" Bethany asked.

"She, I am not done yet.
At that time I want you to go in and put a camera, on the cupboard which is near his desk make sure he doesn't notice", Rose added.

"O-M-G, the idea is great but you don't have two cameras since you need a camera for the interview, "Bethany asked.

"I never thought about that, Oh wait maybe we can borrow from Stella," said Rose snapping her finger.

"That's a great idea", added Bethany.

"So we can borrow from her tomorrow morning and charge it and take the interview around five pm but first, we have to connect the camera to our phone so we can see them all live instead of going there and clearly hear it as well, " said Rose.

"And if they found the camera we can switch the camera off from the phone", added Rose.

"Let's do it but now we can sleep before Luna comes, " said Bethany quickly walking to her bed.
"I am coming," Rose said walking with her

The next morning they went to Stella and ask her if they could borrow her camera for the interview and told her that they will give it back to her tomorrow.

"Yes, of course, you can borrow it anytime but I thought you had it," Stella said.

"Yeah, I do but yours lasts long, " Rose added.

"Oh here you go and this is the charger", Stella said handing both the camera and charger.

"Does hers last long or you lied?" Bethany asked.

"Her's last longer than mine, You really thought I lied huh? "She asked.

Bethany nodded and they plunged the charge and left for class.

After the class, they connected the phone and do everything they had to do before leaving for interview.

They interviewed the two teachers and then went to Steve on sharp five, they knocked on his room and told him that they wanted to take an interview and they needed him to come to his office.

He agreed and they went to the office and once they entered Rose told him that it will be better if they stand outside the office.

He agreed and came out for interview while Bethany peaked to the office and climbed on his chair and placed the camera and covered it with some books on the cupboard itself.

She then took the phone and checked if she could see the room clearly and it did, She quickly switches off the connection from the phone so they don't lose battery.

Then she came out of the office and stand behind Steve as nothing happened. Once the interview was over they left, they didn't want to get caught but they knew they wanted to save their friend.

They went back and waited for midnight.

Once it was midnight Luna left and they quickly ran to the kitchen and opened the camera.

They started recording everything even though they haven't arrived yet.

They saw Steve entering the room with the bag in his hand and he sits on the chair and waited for others.

Then Luna along with the gang came inside and they force Luna and Asher to kiss.
"She just entered the room" Bethany said to Rose.

Then Stella came to the kitchen and they quickly switch off the phone.

"What were you guys were watching?" she asked.

"We were looking over at the interview and it is a surprise so we will let you see soon," Rose replied.

"Where is Luna? "Stella questioned

"Umm she, Umm she is calling her mom so she is outside, "Bethany answered.

"Oh, I'm going back to sleep. Good luck," she said as she walked out.

They quickly turned on the phone but they missed almost everything, all they saw was smoking and vaping, they looked at Luna to see Asher forcing her to eat a pill and they heard she saying "no I don't please maybe next time"

"If you don't do it tomorrow then your domed girl, domed, " Asher replied.

So let's meet up tomorrow "said Steve and threatened her to do it tomorrow.

"What is wrong with this teacher?," Bethany thought.

Then they saw Luna and Asher going back leaving. They switched it off and went to bed and talked about it until Luna came.

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