23-Gossips and love

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The very next day Luna didn't want to see Asher and the gangs. The four walked to the school not wanting to.

They heard whispers all around. Some were laughing, some were disgusted and some were just friendly. Everything seemed so confused.

"I think everyone is talking about yesterday" Stella whispered.
"Then what would they probably whisper looking at us" Bethany added.
"I hope Asher and the gang are not making this worse" Rose replied.

"Oh sorry," Rose said looking at Luna.
"It's fine no worries" Luna answered.
"Wow there is a lot of people over there" Bethany replied.
"Let's go and check then" Rose added.

They went towards the crowd. It was no surprise when they saw Asher and the gangs.
Asher noticed them and He stood up on a table nearby.

"This are the girls I was talking about" He said laughing. Everyone joined.

They lower their heads except for Stella. She pulled them out of the crowd and told them to ignore the gang and go to their class.

Luna was breaking deep inside hearing an echo inside her head saying you are the reason. She tried to ignore it but it didn't stop. She didn't want to face Eva from the class. 

The classes started everyone settled in but Luna just couldn't concentrate. Teacher Maria was awful about Luna's situation.

All the teachers knew about what happened the other day. She thought that it was Steve but the truth was that it wasn't. It was Asher.

Teacher Maria told her to go and have some rest. She went out of the class.

Stella was devastated to see her friend suffer from pain that she should not be suffering from. Anna sat near Stella to comfort her.

Anna told Stella that everything was going to be fine and it just needs time. Stella faked a smile and started writing her notes.

Meanwhile, Luna went to the girl's restroom. She calmed herself down but she couldn't. She couldn't feel herself.

She felt dizzy she hold the sink to prevent from falling. She waited until it was over, She washed her face and thought of going back to her room.

Asher saw her walking out of the restroom and thought of hiding beside a locker. When she was walking he bumped himself to her.

"Hey Luna" He said.
She walked past him not trying to look at him.
He followed her and stopped her.
"I am sorry" He apologized.

He pushed him aside and started walking away.
"Luna, You can't ignore me as that" Asher replied.
"What do you want!" Luna asked angrily.

"I am so sorry, My anger took the best of me that is why I am broken. I never meant to break you. I am sorry, Luna listen! You are the only one who knows me better than myself and I need you to please Luna. I am sorry Luna" Asher said crying.

She ignored him and started walking.

"Please Luna I need you without you I am nothing. Please tell me we are not over please tell me you didn't take it seriously. Please, Luna Ellie. Please sweetheart. Can we start over? " Asher pleaded. 

She thought of ignoring him but she couldn't. She wants him to be happy so she replied "Yes I forgive".
They chatted for a while, Luna felt relief all of the bad energy were gone all of a sudden.

She went back to her room after a while. When her friends reached the room they were happy to see a happy Luna.

They asked her how she was doing and she was more than happy to say "Great" 

She talked with her friends and completed her leftover works. She knew she was the luckiest girl on earth.

While everyone slept she opened up the window and looked at the starry night and told herself she was the luckiest.

She thought of not saying about her relationship with Asher to her friends and told herself that it did not work last time was because Steve was involved.

She took a deep breath and looked at the starry sky hoping that nothing would ruin their relationship this time.

Meanwhile, Stella woke up looked to Luna's bed to find no one, She jumped from her bed and looked around for Luna and saw her sitting near the window.

Stella sighed in relief and went back to sleep.

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