49- A white dress

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"We are finally here students" The teacher called out to them.
"Please get down the bus one by one" The teacher added.
They all got out of the bus and took their bags.

They all waited for the camp guider to come. He came just in time and told the teacher and show the students around. The guider showed them their tents for them to sleep and rest.

The guider handed them sleeping bags. The demonic got into a large tent that could fit more than five people and almost every tent contained six to five students.

Just like miss Tiffany promise they were in the same tent. They settled down and rested for a bit before they started their day.

In the morning everyone gathered around for the activity. They saw Eva walking in a beautiful white dress.

"Why the hell is she wearing a white dress in a camp?" Rose asked her friends.
"Yeah, She is going to play and there is a lot of mud puddle after the rain" Bethany replied.

"Am I an angel? cause I really look like an angel in this dress" Eva said to the campers.
"Yeah girl, Just need a halo" Asher replied.

"Why do I need a halo, When my halo is right in front of me?" Eva said to Asher.

"You are still beautiful" Asher replied.
"Look at those girls they don't even know how to dress perfectly," Eva said to the camper pointing at the demonic.

"They are wearing dress human being wears for a campsite" Sebastian replied.
"And you are wearing a dress no one wears during camping" Luke added.

She ignored them and was about to walk away when the teacher called out to her and said
"Eva sit near to Rose or you will miss the activity"

"I am not sitting with them" She answered whining.
"Excuse me, Sit now!" The teacher yelled.
"Okay, okay, whatever! " She replied rolling her eyes and sitting next to Rose.

"You look ugly" Eva whispered to Rose while she was drinking water.

Rose looked at her angrily placing the bottle open on the bench and pushed it towards Eva because she was embarrassing her.

"My dress! Rose what have you done!" Eva said.
"Sorry it was an accident" Rose replied politely. "Accident! You did it on purpose!" Eva said.

"Eva! Why are you blaming!? And it's your fault wearing fancy dress at the camp! Go change!"The teacher yelled.

"She did it on purpose!" Eva shouted.
"I don't care if she did or what but you gotta change your dress now," the teacher said pointing to tents.

She grumpy walked out. Everyone was staring at her but still she couldn't care less.
Soon after a few activities, the nightfall everyone walked back to the tents for some rest.

The teacher warned them not to go outside.
They all agreed and left for a good rest. The demonic's reached their tent.

They talked for hours, They were having so much fun that they didn't know it was almost two at night.
"Girls, I know we shouldn't be going out but who wants to?"Luna asked.

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