59-Past can hurt

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"Asher! Show your bag now!" Teacher Emma yelled.
"Why do you want my bag?" Asher asked.
"I want it" the teacher replied. 
"Sorry but why?" Asher asked.
The teacher pulled out his bag from his hand and peeked inside to see two vaping.
"Asher, Come! Come to the principles office now!!" The teacher yelled.

"Oh shoot they found it," Asher thought to himself nervously his heart started beating faster. He started shivering he looked around to see all the students staring at him, He was embarrassed, He put his head down.

"Asher!" The teacher yelled.
He walked to the office nervously. Asher walked to the office, The principal was shocked to see the vapes.
"Asher, Why do you have vape?" the principal asked.

" It's not mine, it's umm it's Luke's, Yeah Luke" Asher answered nervously.
"I thought Luke is in the hospital," The principal said suspiciously raising an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, Umm I forgot, it was umm Sebastian, You know they both looks same" Asher replied nervously.
"Same? Luke and Sebastian?" Teacher Emma asked.
"Yeah they are like a twin," He said weirdly smiling.

"They are straight opposite" The teacher replied.
Asher couldn't hold his fear and started sobbing.
"Okay, I brought it" Asher replied sobbing.
"Then why two? Who are you giving this to?" The principal asked.
"Two!?" Asher asked surprisingly.
"Yes" she answered.
"I didn't bring two I swear" Asher replied.
"Enough with the lie, Detention now!" Miss Tiffany shouted.

Demonic's Flashback...
"I have a vaping Asher gave few months ago, actually at the beginning. I never used it since I never wanted to so here's our plan for REVENGE!!" Luna said.

Thanks for letting us know, the teacher replied.

"Two vaping were found!" Anna said to Rose.
"What?!, I thought Luna just put one" Rose replied 
"Me, too" Stella replied.
"Hey guys, What is happening?" Luna said approaching them.
"You put two vapes?" Anna asked.
"Nope just one, why?" Luna asked.
"Teacher found two of them, Maybe one of them was already with him" Bethany replied.

"So our plan worked?" Luna asked.
"Yes it did, You should have seen his face but I am kinda guilty. He is in big trouble" Bethany replied.
"Me too, Did this went to far?" Rose asked sadly.
"I don't know but I feel bad" Stella replied nervously.
" Let's go back to the room," Luna said.
They all walked to the room.

"Did you put two vapes in my bag!?" Asher asked  Eva.
"No I didn't" Eva replied.
"The teacher found out about it" Asher replied worried.

"Oh that's bad!" Eva said shockingly.
"I hope Luna and friends don't expose us with the video too," Asher said even more worrying.

"Don't worry, We will figure something out?" Eva said calming Asher with a coffee.
"Thanks a lot" Asher said smiling at Eva.
"No problem" Eva said smiling back.

"I know it is bad," Asher said.
"What bad? My coffee? I can add sugar, " Eva asked.
"No about being rude," Asher said looking at the coffee with tears in his eyes.

"Continue..." Eva started.
"I am sad about being rude to Luna and her friends, I never meant to and I wouldn't do it. I am just" Asher stopped and started crying.
"I am just what?" Eva said calming him.

"I hate being like this Eva. I want to be who I want to be" Asher said covering his face.
"Then be you, Who cares. I will always want you to be who you really are" Eva replied.
"Now where is this all coming from?" Eva asked.

"I don't know how to break it to you but I think you should now" Asher said.

"I never had that person, Who was supposed to hold me when I needed him. That person who should have thought me life" Asher answered.
"Who are you talking about?" Eva asked.

"A person who never needed me, My dad!" Asher answered crying.
"Stop this stupid nonsense, What are you talking about?" Eva asked.

"I am trying to say that my dad is an alcoholic and my mom left me in the hostel so I could be safe, So I could forget my past.
My past about wars, My past about bullying, My past about my family" He said with a cracking voice.

"Hey, Everything is fine. Don't cry" Eva said frowning and hugging Asher.
"Why do I have to bully them? Why?" Asher asked.
"Apologies, They will forgive us I promise" Eva replied.

"I don't wanna see there face Eva, I just don't," Asher said wiping his tears.
"Asher, Come on" Eva replied.
"What if I get expelled? I don't want to go back to my mom like this" Asher said crying.

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