58-Back together?

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"Mission completed" Rose and Bethany shouted.
"Did you hear that?" Eva asked looking around.
"Yes, You did!" Bethany shouted showing the video clip.
"And you are caught, Bye!" Rose said walking to the room.

Asher ran towards Bethany trying to grab the phone from her hands. When she saw Asher coming towards she quickly ran to the room, Pulling Rose inside with her and slamming the door, locking it.

"Damit! We are in trouble!" Asher said to Eva punching on the door.
"If only you were fast enough," Eva said rolling her eyes.

"Yes!" Bethany said jumping up and down with joy.
"We did it!" Rose replied hugging her tight.
"You guys did what?" Luna asked seeing their joy.
"We found the victim," Bethany said excitedly.
"Which victim?" Stella asked confusingly.
"A culprit who tried to ruin a friendship" Rose added.

"Are you guys not done yet with your investigation?" Stella asked annoyingly.
"We are done and we have proof of that" Rose answered.
"Let me guess it is me," Stella said with a cracking voice.
"Nope, it is not" Bethany replied.
"Then who?" Stella said with tears still in her eyes.
"You know them and they always wished for us bad luck" Bethany replied with full confidence.

"Asher?" Stella questioned confusingly.
"Yes! You got it!" Bethany replied laughing.
"You can't always blame them you know" Stella added.
"We know but here is the proof, We were talking about," Rose said handing out the phone.

Stella watched the full video.
"So what is it?" Stella asked.
"Are you serious?" Bethany asked annoyingly.
"Look at the video once again" Rose replied.
Stella started the video.
"Now look this is the phone belongs to Luna, " Rose said.
"You know it right" Bethany added.
Stella nodded her head.
"We are calling you through Luna's phone, Now watch close," Rose said.
"Wait what?! Asher has my phone?!" Stella asked.
"You are half right" Bethany replied.
"Can someone explain to me?" Stella said in a serious tone pausing the video.

"Asher didn't take your phone but he hacked your Instagram to do it. I don't know how he knew you don't use Instagram much" Rose added.

"Wow that was unexpected" Stella replied in shock, starting the video.

"Okay so here we played a trick to see if we are really really correct" Bethany replied.
"Once he cut the call we called once more to make sure and see it did rang again" Rose replied.
"Oh my gosh, I can't believe, What happened? Why should he do that to us? Stella asked.
"If we are correct it's definitely because he hates us" Bethany replied.
"Not only hate but to gain his power by weakening us," Rose said.

"I hope this will make Luna believe the truth" Stella answered.
"It will because it's the truth" Rose answered hugging her.
"Now let's end this war in peace!" Bethany shouted as they walked toward the kitchen to call Luna.
"Luna! You would not believe what we have found!" Bethany said to Luna excitedly.
"What did you find? Stella, Can you go?" Luna said looking at Stella furiously.

"No she is not going" Rose replied handing the phone.
"What is it?" Luna asked.
"It will explain everything" Bethany replied.
After seeing the video, She believe it. She felt guilty for ignoring Stella. Her eyes started watering, She covered her mouth.

"I am sorry," Luna said shivering.
"I hope you believe it," Stella said looking down to the wooden floor.
"I am sorry, I didn't mean to. I was just so lost in my own thought of losing someone that I started accusing others for nothing" Luna said sobbing.

"You are still worried about Asher. Aren't you? That's past" Stella said hugging Luna.
Luna felt relief she hugged Stella tightly and once again apologized to her.
"So..." Stella asked.
"Lets give them what they should have got from the beginning" Luna said smiling.

"Are you talking about Asher and Eva?" Bethany asked.
"Yes silly" Luna replied.
"But there is a little problem, They know about the video" Rose added.
"Let the world know who cares" Stella answered.

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