48- In the bus

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"Wake up!" Bethany yelled.
"Tell me it is not Monday" Luna whined.
"Well, It is and everyone is ready to go except you, Luna," Stella said waking her up.
"Ok! I'm up!" Luna said waking up from the bed.

She quickly got ready and went to school.
"I don't want to go inside, Stella" Luna said standing in front of the class door.
"Come on, It will be fun!" Stella said opening the door.

They sat on their chair and waited for the teacher. After a boring class of Chemistry.
It was English with teacher Maria.
Luna was bored and sloppy.

The teacher entered and told her students that there will be a school trip coming Monday and said it will be for a week. Luna's sleepiness disappeared after hearing it.

"Where will we be going?" Luna asked.
" On a little camp" the teacher replied.

"But we need permission from your parents" the teacher answered.
The students nodded. Everyone got excited.

Anna, Stella, and Luna talked about it for so long that the class was over in no time. They hurry up to the cafeteria and Rose and Bethany were much happy than they were.

After going back to the room, They called their parents and to their surprise all of them agreed.
They jumped with joy. The very next day they went to miss Tiffany. She called their parents and agreed.

She told them that she could give them the same dorm for the trip. They were above nine skies.
"You guys can be one of the best friends in the school which reminds me of my old friends, " Tiffany said smiling.

They went to their class with full joy. They were dreaming about the trip.

Bethany went to Luke and asked him if he was coming.
"Yeah sure, I'm coming if you are coming" Luke replied. She starts blushing.

She went to her room and get some rest.
After a few days, They all started packing their bags for the trip. They were really prepared to go and excited as well.

"I can't believe we are going this trip together, " Stella said.
"It's gonna be fun!" Stella added excitedly.

They all rushed to the waiting line. They saw five buses waiting for the students. They came so early that there were only a few students waiting.

They entered the bus and sat at the last seat which is four-seater. Five of them sat together in the four seats and watched everyone entering one by one. They saw Asher and Eva entering the same bus as they.

"Now what could go worse," Luna said facepalming. When Asher and Eva saw Luna and her friends sitting at the back, They thought of sitting right in front of them to annoy them.

"Let's just ignore the fact that they even exist" Stella whispered.
"Yeah maybe, Unless If they don't coming driving us nuts, " Rose said.

For their sake Asher and Eva didn't spoke a word to them till the ride started. Later an hour Asher slept. Then Eva called out to students who were sitting nearby her. Luna eavesdrop on her conversation.

"Do you know someone around us think they have everything?" Eva said looking to the back seat. Luna looked at Eva talking to the two students about them. She thought of hearing the conversation by or tending to look busy in the phone.

"They are blaming people for nothing" Eva added.
"Who are you talking about?" A boy asked.
"You know that five girls behind us" Eva added pointing her finger.

"Oh them they don't seem bad" The boy answered.
"You never know" Eva added. "But what did they
do?" a girl asked.

"They tore my boyfriend's  jersey and don't forget about Teacher Steve, They blamed him for nothing, " Eva replied.

"But I thought he really did something bad," He said.
"Believe me or no but they just blame him, " Eva answered.
"I don't know about it so let's just forget" the girl replied.

"I believe you! Asher and you guys are really sweet" The boy added.
"Thank you" Eva replied.
"Ahem Ahem, I know you know that we can hear all the conversation," Luna said.

The demonic's turned to Luna to see what was happening.
"And we tore the jersey for a big reason!" Luna yelled. "What was the reason?" the boy asked.

"He tool my bag spread out all my books on the floor and literally throw all my stationery through the window and you guys believe her boyfriend also know as my ex-boyfriend" Luna replied.

"That is why I didn't judge Max" The girl replied.
"Oh, I did saw book on the hallway" the boy replied.
Eva was furious about it.
"I am Luna and what are your names?" Luna asked.

"I am Jesse" The girl replied.
"And I am Max" The boy answered.
"And we are twins" Max added.
"Oh that's nice but please don't think we are the bad people here," Luna replied and moved back and joined her friends.

"Okay, What just happened?" Anna asked.
"No one will ever step on our heads right?" Luna said.
"Yeah, You did a great job standing up, " Stella replied.

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