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It was Wednesday. They all rose up and went to their classes.

Stella walked to the class and asked Luna "How was the talk with your mom? She called you pretty late".

"But I didn't talk to her, " Luna replied confusingly.

"Bethany told me you went out because you were talking to your mom, " Stella told.

"Oh, Yeah at night, " Luna answered nervously.

"I want to ask you a question, " Stella told.
"Go on," she replied.
"Are you and Asher a thing?" Stella asked.

"Maybe, I'm not sure. I kinda have feelings for him but I don't think you guys will appreciate it since all the bad things he had done to you all, " she answered stroking her hair.

"Yeah, but always be careful about who you choose to go with and never blame it on them because you choose your story, not anyone else, " Stella replied.

"Yeah, I will be careful" Luna added.

After the classes, Rose and Bethany went to Steve's office when he wasn't there and took the camera but before they could go out.

Steve came and he asked them what were they doing and they lied that they loved the small plants on his cupboard and thought of taking pictures for the interview project.

They said they were sorry that they didn't ask for permission and told him it was important and left with a nervous smile.

They quickly thought of transferring the video to the phone but when Stella entered the room. Bethany mistakenly deleted the video and lost every evidence.

Rose was mad but she understood the situation and took the camera and checked at the photos to see if there was any proof left but none of them were there.

"I am going do to the clinic, I have a headache so bye" Stella replied.
"Oh hope you get well soon, Bye" Bethany replied.
Rose didn't reply anything nor heard anything it.
Her thought we're completely on the video which was deleted.

She handed the camera to Stella and went with Bethany to the kitchen and started crying and asked her what they were gonna do.

Bethany told Rose that they will follow Luna and record it on their phone. She agreed and waited for the night but both of them slept.

Luna left as usual but Stella couldn't sleep that night because of the headache. She got suspicious about Luna always going out and talking to her mom at midnight so she followed her.

Then after about five minutes Rose woke up and quickly woke Bethany and yelled "We are late".

They quickly got out and saw Stella was missing they thought she was in the bathroom and they thought of putting pillows under their blankets so that she won't notice and left.

They went to the office and they found no one was there in the office, but after about a second.

They saw Stella running to the room from the garden. They stopped her and asked her what was going on. She told them she was going to get them for help because Luna was not talking to her mom in the middle of the night but was with teacher Steve and the gang.

Stella asked what they were doing and they told her they knew it and didn't know how to tell her. Stella was a little disappointed but there was no time. 

The trio ran to the garden and hide under the bush and recorded them forcing Luna to eat a pill.

They didn't understand what was it until Stella said it was a drug pill. They were shocked and had to help Luna at the moment.

Rose told them that she will get the security and told Bethany to close the recording and stop Steve from giving the pill to Luna. Rose ran to find security.

Steve saw her running so they all thought of hiding but Stella and Bethany went up to them pulling Luna out of them.

Steve told them to be quiet but they kept yelling and yelling. They tried to stop Stella and Bethany from shouting but it didn't work. Luna stood in silence not knowing what to do.

Then Rose came with the security and told him that Steve was trying to give her drugs and Steve neglected and told them they were lying and he wasn't doing anything but teaching.

Then Bethany handed the phone with evidence.

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