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Bethany walked into the class and saw teacher Maria entering inside.
"It is English class, " Bethany thought to herself while seating.

Then she heard the teacher saying them to take out their textbooks and all of them did.

The teacher told them to open some random page and read a story, quietly and she told them that she will ask them some questions about the story later.

After a few minutes of reading. Rose was distracted by Bethany.

"Psst, psst," Bethany heard someone calling.
She saw Rose and then Rose handed her the textbook and told her to exchange.

She took the book and saw Rose have written something on the page.

She read "Do you love Luke? Don't lie cause I have always said everything to you and you can't lie plus if you are trying to hide it I will sooner find it".

She wrote back on the book saying
"Ugh, Ok I do but don't tell anyone even Luna and Stella and don't think about teasing me please!!" and Bethany handed back the book.

Rose read and wrote to her that "You have to tell him! He really loves you! Come on but I don't want to force you either" and gave the book back to Bethany.

"Ahem, Ahem, What you guys are doing?" The teacher asked.

Bethany erased the whole conversation and started reading the story.

Then Luke whispered to Rose how everything was going and she said she will tell everything later.

After the classes, while they walk to the cafeteria. Rose told her to tell Luke everything but she said that she was too shy and told Rose to help her.

"Uhh yeah, Sure but you have to tell him when I say you to say got it?"Rose told.

"Yeah, I will try just make me prepare for it, " Bethany said and walked to the cafeteria.

Luna and Stella walked to the cafeteria early since the class was dismissed earlier than usual.

"Why are you upset?" Stella asked.
"I just can't, " Luna said.
"I just can't what, " Stella asked.
"Forget Asher, "Luna said holding her hands together and looking down.

"Hey, everything will be fine. Just let it out maybe some tears will be enough,"
Stella said.
"Plus he is a trash can, " Stella added.

"I know, but it's hurt when I see Eva and Asher together and I know Sebastian feel the same but his ego of hating us is bigger than mountains, " Luna said.

"Let's take a seat first then we can talk calmly,"
Stella said.

They sat on a corner and talked about it until Rose and Bethany came.

"Where is Anna?"Bethany asked.
"She is absent, She said she was not feeling well yesterday from the playground, " Stella said.

"Is everything okay, Luna?" Rose said looking at Luna's face which was filled with tears.
"Nothing is okay. How can it be?"Luna said and cried.

"What happened?"Bethany asked.
"I just can't forget the fact that Asher left me, All the memories Ahh! I just can't, " Luna said crying.

"And the worst part is that Eva is bragging me about it and he is following me everywhere like a shadow, it hurts!" Luna added and cried.

"Everything will be fine, Sometimes they are not what we want. What if you both have bad memories if you were still together? Think about the bright side," Bethany said.

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