25-Cheated on

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"He is still good. It's been like three days and he is not even forcing me on any bad thing. It was just Steve and I knew it" Luna thought to herself.

She walked to the sports field and sat on a bench waiting for her team to arrive. She saw Sebastian entering the field alone, She felt unusual because she normally be around Asher or Eva.

She thought of walking past him to see what he was doing. He started walking and realised that he had been crying.His eyes were red, Tears were forming.
She was shocked to see him like that she thought of looking were Asher and Eva was.

She saw Asher and Eva in a class talking.
She thought of entering the class but she didn't want to interrupt their talk. She felt different as if Eva was flirting with Asher and Asher did the same. Asher's hands were on her waist.

She thought to herself that it was just a friendly talk but she knew it was different.She kept silent not knowing what to do. She went back to the sports field. The game was about to start, The teacher asked everyone where Asher was. No one replied including Luna. He went searching for them. Eva came before the teacher saw her.

They started the game without Asher. After about few minutes Asher showed up with the teacher.
They continued the game but Luna just felt different about Asher's behaviour towards Eva and Eva's towards Asher.

She looked around to see if Sebastian was there but he was sitting on the bench nearby. She wanted to know why he was crying. She knew why but she couldn't except the fact Asher lied. She kept quiet, She felt like she was making a foolish mistake but she was just too obsessed with Asher. She knew she was wrong but she just couldn't except it.

After the game her friends went upto her and asked her if everything was fine. She nodded yes and said that she was just having a bad day.

She thought of talking to Asher during lunch break. She waited until it was lunch break. She looked around the hallway and saw Asher sitting inside class with Eva. She saw them leaning closer to each other she didn't know what to do. So she yelled at Asher.

"You are such a liar" Luna cried.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Don't act like I didn't see anything" She replied crying.
"Do you really thought I loved you? You were just a fool, You never listen to your friend. You choose me over them" Asher replied.

Luna started shouting with tears running down her eyes. Many students started gathering. Eva slowly escaped from the trouble leaving Asher and Luna to end it. Her friends quickly went to the front line and started pulling her out.

"What have you done!?" Stella asked.
"None of your business" He replied.
"Tell is or you are in big trouble" Bethany replied.
"Trouble?" He laughed.
"Do you really think I am going to be in trouble?" He added.

"Let's see then" Rose replied.
"Oh want to fight I assume" Asher replied.
"Yeah, Fight till you die boy" Stella replied.
"Then it's on but let's go to the sports field with all the students here. Let them see you guys falling" Asher replied.
"Let's see who falls" Bethany replied.

They walked to the sports field.
Asher told everyone to be seated. His team on the right and Luna's team on the left.

Sebastian joined the fight. Luna was shocked when he walked up to Asher.
Everyone settled in and no one was on their side except for two students and Anna.
"What is going on?" Anna asked Bethany.
"Long story short Asher is a creep" She answered.
"That is Asher no one is worse than him" Anna replied.

"Do you really want to fight?" Asher asked Luna looking at his side.
"Look at all those people standing on our side" He added.
"We don't care" Rose replied.
"Look at this girls they think they are stronger than us" He answered.

"What if we are?" Stella asked.
"Sorry but you are too weak" He answered.
Stella clench her fist to punch him but they were stopped by teachers.

"Detention! All of you!" Teacher John said.
"Next Monday is your exam and you guys are keep fighting" He shouted.

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