66-Spin the bottle and more

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"I got an A+" Stella excitedly jumping up and down.
"Congratulations but we knew you will get it" Luna annoyingly replied.

"It is fine, How much did you get?" Stella asked her friends.
"B" Rose replied.
"C+" Bethany replied.
"B-" Anna replied.
"A-" Luna annoyingly replied.

"That is awesome, You guys did great" Stella replied.
"Tomorrow all of us are heading home right?" Bethany asked sadly.
"Yeah but I don't want to leave you guys" Rose replied

"We will meet in two months" Stella replied.
"The most annoyingly thing is that we have to pack our bags" Anna lazily replied.
"Lazy girl alert" Bethany added.
"I am going back to my room so I could finish the packing" Anna added and left.
"Bye, see you" Bethany shouted while Anna walked outside.
Anna waved goodbye.

"So let's start packing" Luna added.
"Ugh, I guess yeah" Stella replied.

After the packing they had a little dinner.
They chatted when Anna knocked on the door they opened the door for her and continued chatting but then again was interrupted by a knock it was Sebastian and Luke. Luke said to the girls that all of them could go together to the playground before they all leave.

They all went right away. They played on the seesaw, talked, walked in the garden and had a lot of fun. They all were going to miss each other but they knew faith will bring them back soon.
They hoped they once again looked at the starry sky just like they did when Luna was up in the sky.

Asher saw them but didn't bother to interrupt. He wanted to apologise but his promise about doing it together with Eva hold him back. Eva told him to forgive but he always replied to her "Not without you".

He walked away feeling guilty but he had no choice rather than avoid them. After few more hours everyone went back to their room.

"Maybe we could play some games?, "Bethany questioned.
"What should we play? ,"Luna asked to Bethany.
"Maybe we can play truth or dare, "Anna said.
"Then let's start, "Rose said.
"We can use this water bottle to play, "Stella said taking Luna's bottle
"Sure why not" Luna added
"Rose spin the bottle" Stella replied.

When Rose turn the bottle it was showed Stella.
"Truth or Dare" asked to Rose.
"Dare" Stella said.
Rose thought for a while and got the most lit dare she could think of.
"I dare you to ask teacher Emma a question and then run away faster before she answer" Rose said laughing.

"But how teacher Emma?" Stella asked.
"She is the new manager after Steve, Did you forget?" Rose asked.
"Oh I totally forgot about it" Stella replied.
"Do the dare" Luna replied.

"Could you please help me to do this dare just come along, please?" Stella begged Luna.
"Yeah I will but Rose has to approve it not me" Luna said.
"I approve but she has to do the most of them" Rose replied.
"Let's go to her room" Luna shouted.
Stella took a deep breath and walked with Luna not wanting to do the dare.

"She is there" Luna said pointing at the table she was sitting.
"What are you doing here at night?" teacher Emma asked.
"Oh Umm, What is your full name like full?" Stella asked.
"Oh it is-" Emma was cut off while they start running back to the room.
They came running closing the door.
Everyone was laughing so hard that they couldn't stop.
Until there was a knock on the door.

"It must be teacher Emma, What should we tell her?" Luna asked.
"Say the truth I guess" Anna answered

Luna went up to the door and opened it to see teacher Emma standing.
Luna smiled nervously.

The teacher asked why did they run away, They told that they were playing spin the bottle. The teacher smiled and asked them if they were going to enjoy the last day of the year.

They nodded yes and smiled. Teacher Emma told them that they could walk around and have fun but to never disturb other students, While she left they sighed in relief knowing they were not in trouble.

They closed the door and sat around for the game. It was Stella's turn to spin the bottle so she did it and it land on Rose. Stella smiled like a devil.

"True or dare" She asked.
"Dare" Rose replied.
"I dare to ran to Luke or Sebastian's room and knock the door until someone wakes up" Stella replied.
"No way"Rose cried.
"You have to do it and I will come to make sure you do it" Stella answered.
"Okay whatever" Rose said opening the door annoyingly.
They went to Sebastian's room and knocked it but no one answered then they went to Luke's room and they heard a lot of chattering voices. Stella told her to knock then run.
So she did, They ran but Luke saw then running away. Luke's friend asked who was it and Luke told his friends including Sebastian who was there.

Rose and Stella ran quickly to the room when Rose got hit on the toe.
"Ouch! Ouch!" Rose holding her leg.
"Come inside quickly" Stella replied.
They entered inside and laughed for a while.
"How did it go?" Bethany asked.
"It was way better than we thought" Stella replied.
"Hahaha, I can imagine that" Anna said laughing.
"Anyway let's get back to the game" Rose replied.
Luna spin the bottle and it was Anna's turn.

"Truth or Dare?" Luna asked
"I am so sleepy, bye" Anna replied
"What?" Luna asked.
"Someone is getting away from problems"Bethany replied.
"No, I am not I am just going to sleep" Anna replied.
"But where are you going?" Luna asked.
"To my room" Anna replied.
"But I thought you were spending the night here" Bethany said.
"Oh yeah I forget" Anna replied.
"So let's complete it" Bethany replied.
"We don't want to play the game right? We can do something else" Anna added.
"We all know you don't want to play but yeah we can do something fun" Stella said smiling.

"Phew, Then let's watch a movie" Anna added
"Yes! I will bring the popcorn" Bethany said walking to the kitchen.
"Let's watch a horror movie" Luna said.
"That is going to be amazing" Stella added.
"Play horror hands its one of the best horror movie of the year" Anna replied.

After about few minutes everything was ready they closed the lights and windows and started watching it.
Everyone was afraid but did not acted like one until someone knocked on the window.

"Did you hear that?"Anna asked.
"Yeah"Bethany said shivering
"Gulp, Lets open it then"Luna said.
"Rose open it" Stella added.
"Me?"Rose said.
"Yeah, You" Stella added.
"Why me?" Rose said.
"I thought you don't believe in ghost" Stella replied.
"Yeah I don't, I can open if you want"Rose replied.
"Go open it then"Stella answered.

They heard a knock on the door.
"Let's open the door first" Rose said walking to the door.
She opened it and no one was there. Then again there was a knock on the window. Rose went up to the window to see no one.

"What is going on over there?" Bethany asked. 
"There is no one"Rose replied.
"What!" The girls asked in shock.
They heard the knock on the door again. Rose opened it and saw two boys laughing.

"Luke and Sebastian!" Rose shouted.
"Yeah, How was it?"Luke asked.
"Girls it's just Sebastian and Luke" Rose said calling out for the demonic.
"Are you guys serious right now?"Anna asked.
"We did this for knocking on our door and running away" Sebastian answered.

"This was a good one" Rose answered.
"But you didn't have to scare us while watching a horror movie!" Bethany replied annoyingly.
"You were what!" Luke said and laughed
"We came on the perfect timing" Sebastian said laughing.
"Too perfect" Stella replied annoyingly.
"Anyways bye" Luke said still holding the laughter.

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