50- fishing Asher

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"Girls, I know we shouldn't go out but who wants to?" Luna asked.

"Me! I want to go out, " Bethany squealed.
"I guess everyone wants to go out then, " Stella replied.
"Sorry guys I do want to come but I can't because I'm really sleepy, " Anna said.
"So, We are going to go, Bye, " Rose said.

They all sneak out of the tent and into the woods.
"It's pretty dark here, " Bethany said.
"But who cares about the dark, " Stella said.
"Let's go deep in," Rose said.

"Wow, this place looks so nice," Luna said.
"I wish we don't get caught," Bethany said.
"Aaah! Lizard! Aaah!" Luna screamed looking at the lizard on her head.

She ran around to remove the lizard from her head. She sighed in relief when she couldn't find it on her but after seeing her friend's reaction she asked if there was anything on her.

"No you don't," Stella said looking at the lizard still on her head.
"To be honest, It is still there" Stella added.
"Don't scream I will take it out," Bethany said. 

Bethany walked to Luna. She could feel Luna shaking. She quickly removed it from her head.
"It is gone," Bethay said smiling.

They all went back to their tent and had a nice nap.

After a good nap, it was finally morning so they all went to the principal and ask her what activities they are gonna have. The principal told everyone to gather around in a place.

The teacher gave all of them an activity. It was to go for an scavenger hunt.

After the long walk, It was four in the evening.
They all decided to go back and get ready for fishing.

"I caught two fish," Asher said making fun of demonic.
"You heartless monster you killed two fish and you thought you win," Anna said weridly smiling at him.

"Anyway, I didn't kill them they just came to me because I'm popular," he said sticking his tongue out.

"This is the reason I don't like popular students because students who fell on their hook are suffering just like those fish" Rose said raising an eyebrow.

"Agrh, This girls!" Asher whispered to himself turning around from them.
"Aaah!" Asher screamed falling to the pond holding the bucket with his fish.

"My boyfriend!"Eva screamed.
Everyone laughed except Eva when he got up himself out of the pond with no fish in his bucket.
"Argh! Someone get me a towel!" Asher yelled.

"Everyone my boyfriend needs a towel!" Eva dramatically said.
"Go take it and help me!" Asher shouted at Eva. "Okay but you didn't have to break my heart" Eva answered.

"Argh! How can I break you heart if I can't even see it! Just help me!" Asher annoyingly replied.
"Aah whatever" Eva said walking back to the tents to get the towel.

"Where is my fish?" Asher said looking at his bucket.
"In the water" Luna replied giggling.
"It's your fault!" Asher said pointing to the demonic.

"Our fault you are the one who turned around to avoid us" Stella replied.
"Keep your jealously with yourself plus I got three fish" Bethany replied.

"I know you stole my fish!" Asher said while Eva gave him a towel.
"They stole my fish" Asher said to the camper while wiping himself with the towel.

"We saw it Asher" Sebastian replied.
"We all did" Jesse replied.
He angrily walked away saying you will pay for this. "Why?" Rose asked.
"Agrh! Eva! Come!" Asher said calling Eva.

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